Thursday, July 2, 2020

I spoke too soon...

On my last post, I said the worst of the weather had passed north of us.  I was wrong.  It started as rain.  Then, BIG rain drops.  Not a good sign.  Pea size hail.  Then, marble size hail.  Then, golf ball size hail.  Then... oh, shit!

It sounded like someone was walking around the coach, hitting it with a hammer.  Well, a bunch of hammers.  The bathroom vent broke: pieces of it were laying inside the screen...

Nothing we could do about it in the middle of the rain and hail.  I told Joan to grab a towel and put it over a darkening pad we have that fits inside that opening, and shove it in there... that will keep the rain from pouring in.

Nothing we can do but grimace at the pounding sound.  Rufus handled it well.  Joan and I both paced, looking out the windows.  When it finally let up, I went outside to survey... I was expecting the Honda and the hood of the coach to be peppered with dents.  There is a lot of water standing on them, but I don't see anything obvious.  I got out our ladder and went to check on that broken bathroom vent.  Yeah, it's a goner.  I told Joan to get another one ordered from Amazon now, because every local RV parts supply place is going to have a run on those covers.

I went to work with duct tape and a heavy plastic bag that Joan cut to make a "slip cover" for the vent.  Hopefully, that will hold until the new vent cover arrives.  While I was working on that, Joan picked up some hail stones...

"There are bigger than any hail I've seen before - look!"

"Kinda busy here, Hon."  Looking over my shoulder, I could see another dark cloud moving in.

I can't say for certain, but I think she was just trying to look up my shorts on those photos... "Hey, my eyes are up here!"

As I put the finishing touches on the tape job, the next round of sprinkles started.  Well, that's fun: lightning and I'm standing on a metal ladder.  I think this is a good time to get down.

We got back inside and had the opportunity to see how the plastic bag and duct tape would fare against the rain... seems to be keeping the water out.  Not pretty, but only rigs taller than ours will see it.  ;-)  And then, I shit you not: more hail.  This round wasn't as big, as plentiful, or long-lasting.

I told Joan I wasn't sure if the car or cargo trailer had any damage, but I didn't see anything obvious; she said, "I looked them over while you were up on the ladder, and I didn't see anything either."  We'll check again when this (if this) weather passes.  I didn't see any other damage to stuff on the roof of the coach, but I will look that over closer, as well.  On the bright side, we're in one place for a while... yeah, that is the place that just got hammered, but better here than while going down the road.

You don't see stuff like this in the ads selling RVs.  ;-)

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