Thursday, July 30, 2020

Patio time...

The rain eased up this morning, leaving things smelling fresh and a bit more humid.  We made a run into town (no, we didn't run, we took the car) for a Hardee's breakfast sandwich and some light (as in: picked up some salad kits) grocery shopping.

Joan usually does the shopping on her own... I may have embarrassed her when I sneezed just as we were pulling up in the car... and by the time we got inside Wally World, I had to ask; "Do you have a Kleenex?"

"You can't take your mask off in here."

"Then there will be snot dripping out from under it shortly."  Yes, I removed one side of my mask long enough to blow and wipe, with no one anywhere close by... TMI?

When we got home, the weather was getting downright glorious, especially compared to yesterday.  We decided Rufus needed some grass time, then some patio time...

What's that?  It looks like a professional head shot?  Yeah, I still got it.  Most days I don't recall where I put it.  What was the question?  ;-)  Just kidding; most of the time I am as sharp as a... um, a... what do you call those pointy things?  Yeah, I'm kidding again.

The three of us enjoyed the outdoor time, under the awning.  We watched people go by, walking their dogs.  "Why are they in such a hurry?" Rufus asked.

"I don't know, buddy; that's just the way dogs and dog-people do it."

"I'm glad I'm not a dog."

"Me, too, Ruf... me, too."


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