Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Excessive Heat Warning...


Big surprise: it's hot in the desert.  The weasels were excited to report that "today is the first day this year where the overnight low was above 80º."  And: "We are a week ahead of normal (??) for the first 110º degree day of the year."  And: "It has been 268 days since it has been 110º in Phoenix."

Can't say I've missed that.

 We took Murphy outside this morning, for a half hour or so.  Then, back into air conditioned comfort.

I'm getting together with Mark and Ron for some music today.  Joan said "You should pack a cooler today - if you should have a breakdown on the way there or back, you'd need extra water..."  I remember in our younger days living in the frozen northland and having a "winter kit" in the car.

And to paraphrase Sonny & Cher: and the heat goes on.


A good music day today with Mark and Ron.  We worked on a couple new songs and fine-tuned some older tunes.  Yeah, it was hot... noticeable when we went out for lunch.  First time we've driven the 3 blocks instead of walking... pretty sure I would have melted into a puddle on the sidewalk while waiting for the stoplight to change.  It got to 108º - Ha! The weasels missed the predicted high by 2º!

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