Monday, June 17, 2024

More where that came from...


Up and out reasonably early again today, I wanted to try the DJI Action 4 camera and Mic 2 on the CTX.  Well, any reason for a ride.  ;-)

It was warming up fast (82º by 7:00 am), but still a delightful ride.  Here's a photo...

 And, assuming the audio is OK (the CTX is louder than the Burgman 200), there will be a video forthcoming... with the consideration of discussion the Dual Clutch Transmission a bit.  But, mostly just out for the ride.


I didn't make this video 4k (resolution) - that takes time and memory storage, so it may look a bit less quality from the last video with the Burgman 200... but mostly, I wanted to test the audio with the DJI Mic 2 and get in a ride before Mother Nature cranked up the heat.

Let's go to the video...

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