Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Nice Haboobs...


If it has "boobs" in it, it must be something good, right?  Put a "ha" in the front of it, and it sound like even more fun.

It isn't.

Early evening yesterday, we got to see our first haboob.  It blew in from the east; the view looking west...

 I know - it looks pretty nice.  Looking to the east...

Brown.  We normally have a pretty view of South Mountain.  You can kinda see the closest foothill in the center right, but the mountain is obscured with blowing dirt.  The American flag just to the right of the pergola post is standing out and snapping.  It went from nearly calm to gusting above 45 mph - we could see the wall of blowing dirt coming at us.  Joan has nearly everything in our courtyard put away, but she did dash out there to put down the couple things that hadn't been secured.

The temperature was pushing 108º and it didn't drop as this moved through.  On the other side of it, it cooled off about 10º - not enough to make much difference.  I went outside at 9:00 pm to check the hottub: the water temperature was 105º!!  Yeah, too hot to use.

The blowing dirt had subsided, but the sky was threatening, with plenty of lightning...

 This morning, I was up early (around 5:00).  After I fed Murphy, I took him outside for a bit... emptied a couple of covers that were holding water; yes, there was some rain mixed in with the blowing dirt.  On the bright side: the blowing dirt had let up a bit by the time the rain started.  Lots of thunder and lightning.

Of course, the local weather weasels were talking about this like it was something significant; I guess some areas got up to 3" of rain - not where we are.

Murphy handled it all without much concern.

When Joan got up, she said, "I thought you'd be out for a ride."

"I didn't know that was an option - I thought we were going to the coach to finish the water stuff and get the propane filled?"

Off to the coach.  We pumped the bleachy water out of the fresh water tank, then took the coach to the dump station at the storage place and emptied the holding tanks.  Topped off the fresh water tank again, the drove about 5 miles to get propane.  Back to the storage place, ran that water out of the fresh tank, dumped holding tanks again, then put more fresh water on... that will take care of the sanitizing.

Last night's ugly weather must not have gotten to the storage place: the coach (that was freshly washed on Sunday) had some dust on it, but it wasn't water spotted.  We took some things that had been in cabinets and drawers home to go through.  We'll probably go back to the coach again in a couple days to start getting the cargo trailer into bike hauling mode.  Then, we'll bring the coach and cargo trailer home this weekend to get it loaded.

According to our HOA, we can park an RV out front for up to 72 hours.  My concern is the large construction trucks and trailers that are working on houses in our development... I've seen how they haul ass as they go by.  We'll be working on gathering stuff at the house before we bring the coach in - two days to get things loaded and stowed should be enough.

I am getting anxious.

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