Saturday, June 29, 2024

Now, it's getting serious...


Up early and off to the storage place.  We got the coach ready to roll, hooked up the cargo trailer to it, and brought it home...

 First time the motorhome and the house have been together.

It is hot (duh).  With everything electrical in the motorhome turned off or unplugged, it still blew a breaker on the house side with the a/c running (and we really need the a/c running).  I got out the 30 amp RV extension cord to run most of the length to get to the house, and still needed another extension cord.  Yep, the circuit blew again.  Checking the electrical panel on the house, we have a 20 amp GFCI outlet in our garage, so we switched the cord to that.  So far, so good.

The high today is supposed to be 108º... on the "cool side" of South Mountain (112º in Phoenix).  It is tough trying to work outside to get things moved from the house to the coach.  It is already 99º at 9:00 am.

We are working our plan: I haul stuff from the house to the coach, Joan unpacks and puts stuff away.  It's a good system... this way, when I ask Joan, "Do you know where _______ is?" she can tell me.

In the meantime, Murphy looks quizzical as I come and go.  "Don't worry, buddy, you're coming with us," I reassure him... it may be that "coming with us" part that has him concerned.

This will be Murph's first shot at being a travel cat.  The boy is smart and adaptable, so I have high hopes for him.

Two hours later, the a/c is hanging in there and the loading continues; clothes and jackets are loaded.  It is hard to think about jackets when it is this hot.

During a break from carting stuff, I called the campground in NC to confirm our reservations and find out what their situation is with cable TV and wifi (basic cable, which is fine for us, and slow wifi) - I was told they get a good Verizon signal, so we should be fine with our own hotspots.  Looks like we will be living civilized while there.  :-)  The lady from the campground asked where we were coming from; when I told her Phoenix, she said, "Oh, goodness - we were there two weeks ago; it got to 118º so we took off as fast as we could for the mountains!"  Yeah, I get that.

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