Tuesday, June 11, 2024

It's Still Rock 'n Roll To Me...


If you said, "Billy Joel, from the album Glass Houses, 1980," you get 15 bonus points.

I got together with "the guys" today, to make some music; 6 of us there.  Only Tom was missing, but he has been back in Iowa for a couple months.  This will be the last of the 6 of us getting together for a while... probably September.  Seems that we all have summer travel plans, and not all at the same time, making for a lot of over-lap for getting us all together.

It was a good day.  Well, one omission on my part: I brought drums, a stand for them, and a drummer's throne... but, forgot to grab drumsticks.  Duh!  Mark had some brushes we use on a cajon, so we made it work as best we could.  Ron played drums most of the day; I took a turn on them for a couple songs.  We worked up a couple new (to the group) songs and refined other songs we've been playing.  For the 6 of us, we had permutations of 5 guitars, a bass, a mandolin, and drums (an electronic set and a cajon); 4 vocalists.

I really enjoy getting together with these guys - no doubt we'll all work on music individually during the summer months.

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