Friday, June 14, 2024

Let the adoring begin...


It is the Friday before Father's Day... or, as I like to call it: Father's Day eve eve.

Joan has been asking me what I want for this momentous occasion.  Truth be told, I am happy I was involved in the initial making of... well, you know.  I told her I'd think about it.  She said that the Arizona Humane Society had some fun new t-shirts and suggested we stop there on our way home from lunch yesterday (it is, literally, right on the way).  The one style shirt I liked (the others were kinda girly-looking), they didn't have in my size.  I was perfectly OK with that.

Last night, the discussion came up again, and I told her that I was interested in some other camera gear to use on the bike.  That discussion morphed into "What would you really like?" and I showed her some options.  I was considering this gear, but thought I'd buy it at some point.  She asked, "How would this be different from what you have right now?"  I explained.

She said, "Well, if you would consider this a Father's Day and your birthday gift, let's go for it."  I get some new gear and she gets out of having to shop for something (she always does a great job with surprising me) - win/win.

She ordered it last night; it arrived this morning.  I really do like Amazon!

Stephanie and I had a Dad/Daughter day: she took me out for breakfast at my favorite: Waffle House.  Then, went to Shooter's World and spent some time at their indoor range...

It has been years since she and I did this.  Even with that time off, Steph is still a good shot.  I had her do most of the shooting (good practice for her); I was impressed with her aim and gun handling.  This is a new Shooter's World in Goodyear - nice place.  Bonus: Fridays are Ladies' Day, so there was no charge for her on the range.

We ran a few other errands, and made a stop at Bass Pro Shop - nothing either of us couldn't live without, but it was nice to have that time with her, one-on-one.


We had a nice supper out with Steph and Dan, at their favorite "celebration dining place," The Stockyards.  The occasion: a celebration of Dan's promotion at their school district.  As you'd expect, the Stockyards specializes in steaks - Steph, Dan, and I had prime rib, Joan went for salmon with scallops.  It was a nice meal in a pleasant environment.  About a half hour from home (Steph says, "Everyplace you want to go is a half hour from here."  Good conversation.  Being "next door neighbors" with the kids means we can do this regularly.


I did have time after supper out to set up the new camera and mic system.  Initial testing is promising, but it was take a set-up on one of the bikes to know how it will all work out.  The DJI gear looks well-made, with a smart layout on each component.

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