Saturday, June 22, 2024

Getting Serious...


About packing for your summer outing?  No, but thanks for asking.  Before heading to bed last night, I had some morning plans in mind: get Murphy outside before it's too hot for his paws, get me a ride on one of the bikes (motorized) before it's too hot, start putting stuff away in my music room.

It was 92º when I got up this morning at 4:45.  "4:45?  Intentionally?" you ask.  No, I was done sleeping, and I don't like to just lay there.  I got Murph outside for a short time, fed him, fed and medicated the grandkitties, and did the rest of my morning routine.  I got out for a ride on the Burgman just after 6:30.

The air didn't look too bad when I was out this morning; it was ugly yesterday and last night.  I didn't soak in the hottub last night because of the blowing dirt in the air.  I couldn't get a photo of the full moon because of the overcast.  I tried again this morning for a shot of the full moon, but it was still too cloudy.  I could see a faint glow through the clouds, but nothing interesting for a photo.

Speaking of photos, I didn't take a camera along for the ride this morning.  I haven't ridden since Tuesday, and I just wanted to enjoy being out.  (changed oil on Wednesday, Dr appointment on Thursday, got tires on the cargo trailer on Friday - this is serious!) 

Back from my ride now, and I feel refreshed, in spite of the heat.  Only supposed to get to 104º for a high today.  Perspective.  I used to think that once it got over 100º, it was just plain hot.  I now understand that 104º is balmy hot... 108º is too hot to intentionally go out in it... 112º is approaching the Gates of Hell kinda hot... and over 115º is slap-you-upside-the-head kinda hot.  As in: dangerously hot.

Murphy doesn't understand the difference - he wants to go outside any ol' time.  Anything but early morning is too hot for his paws on the pavers and gravel.  Even last night after sunset was too hot.  When he can't be out, he likes to sit on his chair with a cooling pad on it, and look out...


We picked up Steph and Dan from the airport this afternoon... they have been in Wisconsin visiting Dan's family.  Sounds like they had a good time there... but Steph really missed her fur babies.  She got a surprise when they got home: Joan got them a "robot" litter box from Vine - she OKed it with Dan before she ordered it and wanted it to be a surprise for Steph.  It was.  Steph was giddy about the automated crapper.

One more "date night" for Joan and me before we head out for the summer: we are meeting Mark and Cindy at MIM for an evening of Zydeco music (Terence Simien & the Zydeco Experience).  For those not familiar, Zydeco came from the southern Louisiana, Creole (those of African heritage in Louisianan French culture); typically featuring accordion and guitar.  There is some overlap in the music style with Cajun (displaced French Canadians who settled in Louisiana) style music.

We booked these tickets a couple months ago - looking forward to another evening of music.

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