Friday, June 28, 2024

Last Ride For A While...


One last ride up South Mountain this morning.  Another warm one today.  Tomorrow we'll bring the coach to the house to start the loading process and get the scoots strapped down in the cargo trailer.

I put a RAM mount on the Xmax last night and wanted to try out one of the 360 cameras on that mount, while using the DJI Aciton 4 camera on my helmet...

Fun riding is done, now on to more packing for our trip.


We are very close on our "piles" - there is a lot of stuff to go into the motorhome, but I think we're close.  Once we bring the coach to the house tomorrow, it is down to making repeated trips between the house and the motorhome.  Both are air conditioned, so it is the trek between the two that will try to melt you.  We have done some stuff outside today for the prep work at the house... it is blazingly hot.

I did spend an inordinate amount of time today looking for one of my camera mounts.  We were in the motorhome home last time I used it, but we had thoroughly emptied that before we put it in storage.  Interesting how one little thing can become suck a time suck.  There is a lot of camera gear going with us; one guitar; lots of clothing and personal items, toiletries, food, and a bunch of motorcycle (scooter) gear.  We don't travel light.  :-)


Swimming Pool...

You put in a swimming pool?  Um, no, but thanks for asking.  Joan got a pool for Murphy.  Well, it has fish and stuff in it, so maybe it is more of a portable pond?

He wasn't too sure about it at first (above).  But, he couldn't resist the toys floating in it (below).

And he looks so darn cute when he carries his toys around...

I have no idea if the pool will be going with us... my security clearance does not cover this level of intel.  I forgot to mention all the cat stuff to be loaded into the motorhome when I was commenting about that earlier in this post.  We want the boy to feel "at home," but I'm guessing that will happen as long he has his Mom and Dad with him.  Wish us luck!


A look at the sky just before darkness set in...

I didn't know if it was a storm coming over the mountain... doesn't seem to be... but it was kinda pretty.


Earl49 said...

Good Luck! That pool toy is simply adorable. I wondered how Murphy might feel about actual water, but I get it now. Perhaps I should not point that out to Alice -- our guys have enough toys, plus Lucy goes outside to "find" extra furry toys. She is a fierce, preying on the wild mouse population.

I hear you on the load-in conditions. Alice had to move her mom's stuff out of the duplex five years ago in July. She did not appreciate loading the truck from an open garage and making multiple Goodwill runs at 115°. I was recovering from shoulder surgery at home so she was totally on her own for that trip. A five-pound lifting limit meant that I was useless. [No snide comments, please, despite the setup]. At that time, our kitties were more self-contained (this was before Duke and his special needs).

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

So... hard... to... hold... my... tongue. Whew! That wasn't easy, but you are my friend. ;-)

Murph goes in the shower after I get out - he doesn't mind getting his paws wet. The toy is an actual pool... with actual water. I had to laugh as he pulled toys out of there - it reminded me of bobbing for apples. LOL