Friday, August 23, 2024

A bit more work today...


 Before heading out today, Murphy got to go for a half hour walk - he is truly enjoying the leash time when we're in a quiet place.

We pulled out around 8:30 this morning; only 270 miles for the drive today.  Traffic was typically heavy as we rolled through Oklahoma City morning rush hour (I don't think it matters when you go through there), and their gawd-awful roads.

The only photo I took today...

 Murphy is sitting in his fleece-lined, very cushy "box"; sitting on Joan's lap.  He rode a good portion of today's drive there.

We drove west across the rest of Oklahoma and into Texas.  Mother Nature started the day with a gusty wind out of the south, then turned it from the southwest, putting in more on our nose.  I won't know until we fuel up tomorrow, but looking at the gas gauge, this will probably be the worst fuel burn of our trip.  So far.  More of the same expected for tomorrow's drive.

We are down for the night at the Big Texan RV Ranch in Amarillo, with a plan to take the park's limo to the Big Texan Steak Ranch (notice a theme here?) for supper.  The restaurant offers a "free 72 oz steak" to anyone who can eat it all, plus the sides, plus bread and a drink in an hour or less.  No, we won't be trying that.  We've stayed here and eaten here before - the restaurant packs 'em in.  I expect it to be busy on a Friday evening.  It's an "event" more than a fancy meal.  Plus, this was along our route and about the right number of miles we wanted to go today.

We have full hook-ups and are just chilling before we go out to eat.  "Chilling" is good, because it is 103º here this afternoon, with the "feels like" temperature of "Oh my God, I'm melting!"  I know this because I set up all of our utilities after we pulled in.  Outside.  In the heat and the wind.

I probably won't add anything to this post this evening... planning to be sleepy, with the meat-sweats.  ;-)


Our meals at the Big Texan Steak Ranch were tasty - Joan did a BBQ variety, I did a 12 oz ribeye.  The RV park has a limo that takes you to the restaurant (and brings you back) - smart.  I took a photo of my date...

Joan sent me this one: Murph and his Pops after the day's drive...

Murph got out of the box he was in most of the day (he was not captive in there), and had to dramatically stretch out.  His Pops is thinking: "Oh, the drama!"  We keep Joan entertained.

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