Sunday, August 4, 2024

A day off...


Well, we know you aren't "working."  Yep.  But, we did take Saturday as a chill day.  Even though it was a no-rain day (one in a row!).  Late Friday afternoon, I was feeling wiped - I laid down for a nap.  When I got up, the room was slowly spinning... well, the room was stable, but my equilibrium was not.  It was making me feel nauseous.

I thought that maybe is was something I ate at the Italian cafe, but Joan and I ate the same things and she was fine.  Not a good situation when two-wheel conveyances are your only option.  I had a few crackers for supper and was feeling a little better (but certainly not normal, although that is not a descriptor most would use for me) when we went to bed, but I made it a point to not put my head down.

Saturday morning, I was feeling better: I called it "90%."  It was a mutual decision to take the day off from any riding.  We had the Italian leftovers for lunch, and no ill effects.  Murphy got a couple walks in with his Dad, and spent time with Joan outside while in his catio.  Joan and I went for a walk around the campground at dusk.  And spent some time watching the Olympics.

At one point in the afternoon, we walked around the coach to see what all needs to be done before we hit the road: besides the fact that this is as grubby as it has ever been (we're thinking it will be a 2-day job to scrub the green slime off), there is one piece of rubber on one of the slides that is going to need some attention.  Yes, 8 days before we hit the road again, and we're planning for that departure.

For something completely different: the weather forecast for the next 3 days looks hopeful for some sunshine.

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