Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Eureka Springs...


We have been to Eureka Springs several times over the years, by motorcycle, car, and scooters.  There is another ride loop that runs through (or near) Eureka Springs that was on today's agenda.  I shot some video and will get that worked up... at some point... probably.  But, Eureka Springs was just as we remembered it, and neither of us felt like paying $5 each to park a scooter and walk around.  No souvenirs or t-shirts either of us need, although Joan did point out a tie-dye shop.  Narrow winding road through the historic downtown area, that was interesting to ride through... then back out to the highways.

If fact, it was pretty much all highway riding today, even on a couple "back roads" that looked interesting on the map.  I guess we are spoiled when it comes to fun riding roads.  I'll get something posted here soon.

The new helmet communicators worked well.  I am happy that I get to use my Schuberth helmet again, and Joan is happy that there is no "crackling" in her ears.  A good test of the system today, with in-town and highway riding.

When we got back, I put the top case on Joan's bike and we made a trip for groceries.  We'll be rolling again on Thursday, heading west, we we need to be self-sufficient for food.  We also stopped to top off our fuel tanks - Joan was a bit disappointed that she got just under 100 mpg.  Considering that we were running at highway speeds for most of today's ride, I expected my mileage to be considerably less than that; 81.5 mpg.  The Burgman will handle those speeds, but it will use more fuel to do it; I'm OK with that.

Murphy got to have some outdoor time this afternoon.  He enjoys "hunting" in the grass.  He is not one to sit, lounge, and enjoy the grass and sunshine; that may come with a bit more age.  I tried to get photos of him, but his head is always on a swivel, and never pointed in the direction of the camera.  Even so, I did manage to get a couple photos of the furry boy...

 There are a lot more photos, but mostly of the back of his head.  He did manage to trap and eat some kind of jumping bug... judging from the look on his face, I don't think he enjoyed the flavor.  🙀


I'm downloading and keyframing video files.  In the meantime, here's a few stills from today's ride..

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