Friday, August 30, 2024



Once again, it is all about the timing.  We were due to take the rental car back at 3:30 today (Enterprise here closes at 4:00).  We had some "car stuff" to do, primarily: get groceries.  Also had lunch.  Stop for a Sonic Blast for dessert.  And top the car off with gas.  And the hourly forecast showed "no rain" until around 5:00 pm.

Of course, they lied.  We picked up a pizza from the Italian place we enjoyed earlier this week - not for lunch today, but to have it as a snack for when we hit the road on Sunday morning (assuming it lasts that long).  That was around 2:00... we could see rain coming over the mountains.  Back to the motorhome, a quick change of clothes, and we had the car back to Enterprise around 2:15.

Enterprise is just a few blocks from the RV park.  We rode back together on Joan's Xmax.  Joan asked if I'd unlock the back of the coach so she could get a couple patio chairs out... "Sure, but I think it is going to rain."

"If it does, Murphy and I will stay dry under the awning."

Awning out, chairs out, and they just settled in...

The sprinkling started as I was taking that photo.  The awning would have kept them dry, but a gust front blew in a couple minutes later.  Awning back in, Joan and Murphy came inside.  10 minutes later, the wind went calm and the sprinkling stopped.  The sun is shining, between some clouds.  Do not trust Mother Nature.  The hourly forecast now says "rain until 5:00"... do not trust them, either.


Is that your wife's closet?

I was visiting with the next door neighbors who are from south Texas (near Brownsville); they are in a small travel trailer and this is their first season of RVing.  They both commented how nice our motorhome looks: "Is that brand new?"

"No, we've had it about 9 years, but we do our best to take good care of it."

"It looks brand new!"  Then the woman pointed at our cargo trailer and asked, "Is that your wife's closet?"

I laughed and said, "No, there is a Yamaha and a Suzuki in there."  (If someone doesn't know what scooters are, I just call them by the brand or call 'em motorcycles.)  It seems they have a neighbor who has a motorhome "similar to the Aspect" and they pull a cargo trailer behind it because the neighbor doesn't have enough room for the clothes she needs to brings along... the cargo trailer is her "closet."

"We have plenty of storage in the motorhome - most of the time we pack more than we need because we have the room.  We both have clothes and shoes we haven't worn this trip.  There is a his and hers closet and other drawers and cabinets.  We do have a rack with riding gear in the cargo trailer, but that's stuff just for riding."

She said, "Nine years - you must be about ready for something different... are you interested in a trade?"  I politely declined her offer.  We may be interested in something different, but I don't think it would be a small travel trailer.

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