Friday, August 9, 2024

Like old times...


A few days ago, we heard from friends Herb and Wilma, who we've known for years - back when we both lived in the Tropical Tip.  They moved away years before we did, but we've stayed in touch.

I met Herb years ago, when he and a friend knocked on our door... Herb's friend said, "My buddy was admiring your boat (Wild Blue) from the canal and he's wondering if he can ask you some questions about it."  It reminded me a bit of Junior High: "My friend thinks you're cute."  ;-)

I told them, "Better than that, let's set up a time and I'll take you out on it..."  Herb & Wilma and Joan & I became good friends after that.  Instead of a C-Dory, they wound up getting a Ranger Tug... and then another... and then another.  Our paths would occasionally cross when we were all boat cruising, from the Pacific Northwest to Lake Powell to waters all around the Tropical Tip.

Well, it turns out that Herb and Wilma are in the area for a few days, and it would be a shame for us to get this close and not get the opportunity to get together... we made arrangements to meet at the Trust General Store and Cafe, kind of in between where they are staying and where we are.

It was a treat to get to see them again - we talked about old times, we talked about what each of us has been doing since we last saw each other.  It was nice to catch up.  After lunch and a bunch of visiting, it was time to part ways once again; but not without a couple photos to mark the occasion...

They took off in their gorgeous BMW sedan, we left on our scoots.  Herb told me how he enjoyed driving their car on the curves here.  I get that.  ;-)

We had a great ride back to our campground; we've done this stretch of road before, but I still stopped to get a couple photos of riding "The Rattler"...


No, I didn't mount up a video camera today: I'm still working on the footage from Tail of the Dragon as I have time.  This road is every bit as fun.

It was a very good day.

For a bit of nostalgia, here's a photo with their second Ranger Tug at the dock, with Wilma, Joan, our sweet Izzy, and Dr Jake the wonderdog...

(from around 2012, as I recall)

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