Thursday, August 15, 2024

I was mistaken...


I often talk about the weather.  I have mentioned that Phoenix is "like the Gates of Hell" (but it's a dry heat); and that the humidity in the Tropical Tip was like "having someone throw a hot, wet blanket over you the moment you step out the door; and how the rain and humidity when we were in Maggie Valley was "unusual" (according to the locals).  We thought coming to the Ozarks would be cooler and less humid than Maggie Valley.

Yep, I was mistaken.  When I got up this morning, it was 74º and 98% humidity.  I thought it was foggy out... nope, dew and condensation on the windows.  The dual pane windows.  When Joan got up a short time later, it was 77º and 99% humidity.  We put off getting the bikes unstrapped in the trailer and enjoyed the air conditioning.  Joan asked me to play some music for her and Murphy; of course, I obliged.

By the time 11:00 rolled around, I figured it was time to take on that trailer.  90º and a "feels like" temperature of 100º.  We went after getting the bikes in ready-to-roll mode.  Then, put them right back in the trailer, 'cause it's too damn hot and humid to want to go for a ride.  Maybe after we've sat in air conditioning for another couple hours, we'll feel like taking a short ride to have some lunch?  Maybe.

This RV site is nicer than we've had in the last month...

It is a "pull-in" site; different from a back-in or pull-through.  I will have to back out when we leave next week.  No tree over the top of us, but the a/c on the coach is keeping things cool in spite of having no shade.  And, there is a bit of grass between the sites.  And did I mention: it is real freakin' humid here.  I should have known something was up when we drove through actual swamp areas on the way here yesterday.

It looks like there will be plenty of good riding here, as long as we get out before the heat of the day really kicks in;  quite a few nice "loops" originating out of here.  Well, I guess since they are "loops," they would be originating out of anywhere along the loop.  ;-)


It was a unanimous decision today to not get out for a ride, but we did take the scoots out for a late lunch.  Off to Beefaroo... we hadn't heard of it before, but it is a chain that seems to be a cross between Arby's and Steak & Shake.  Decent burgers, and a big plus: they have cheese curds (because man does not live by beef alone).  We scoped out some other options on the way back to the coach.

Yes, it was hot.  How hot was it?  Thanks for asking... it was freakin' hot.  We rode to the burger place without jackets.  My watch app was saying 95º, with a "feels like" temp of 104º.  We found the one place in the parking lot of the burger place that had some shade.  When we got back to the coach and I put the bikes back in the cargo trailer, my little clip-on thermometer read 118º.  Yes, I can hear Stephanie saying, "You might as well have stayed in Phoenix."  Yes, but this has been an interesting trip.  It may likely change the way we RV in the future.

I wrote about this RV park.  One thing I didn't mention: the entrance is on a 4-lane highway, with a short steep climb up to the road... and traffic whizzing by at 60 mph.  When we had a short break in the traffic, we had no issue getting out on the scoots and getting up to speed... it may be more of a challenge to do that with the motorhome pulling the cargo trailer.

It was also at this point that my helmet communicator microphone chose to quit working.  I could hear her, so we did have one-way communication.  We rode to the burger place old school - hand signals and only being able to talk at a stop light.  Back at the coach, I have taken the liner out of my helmet to trace the wiring - no obvious breaks in the wiring.  I unplugged all the connections and plugged them back in - when Joan gets her communicator charged, we'll see if we can... communicate.

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