Sunday, August 25, 2024

She'll be comin' 'round the mountain...


If you said, "A traditional folk song derived from the Christian spiritual 'When the Chariot Comes' in the 1890s," you get 20 bonus points.  If you said, "Wow, Jim, you were just a kid back then," you get an additional 20 bonus points for your snarky sense of humor.

Today took us from Santa Rosa, New Mexico, north and west over the mountains to Taos, New Mexico.  We thought that would be a good place for some scooter riding.  You may not believe this, but we got rained on as we passed through 9,000' elevation on the way up.  Got to Taos, and it was sprinkling while I got set up in our RV site, and is now raining, with thunder.  The 7 day forecast is calling for more of the same here during our week long stay.

Today's trek: we were in no hurry to pull out of the Love's RV Stop where we spent the night; we were the first ones in there yesterday and the last ones out this morning.  We decided to take what we hoped would be the scenic route up and over the mountains to the east of Taos.

We were on I-40 for about 20 miles, then got onto a 2-lane that was much more pleasant...

Murph spent most of the ride in his carrier (with the door open)...

There is a "high road" and a "low road" into Taos; we chose to take the high road today and will head south from there when we leave on the low road.  Onto I-25 for just a few miles, then through Las Vegas.  No, not that Las Vegas - this is Las Vegas, New Mexico, a smallish town.  From there it is a road that winds it's way north and west.  Some of what we saw today...

As mentioned, it started raining on us before we got to the highest pass.  We just chugged along and on the way down the other side, pulled off in a turn out to have lunch and get Murphy a treat.  The rain let up as we got closer to Taos; enough to let us get checked in and mostly set up before it started raining again.

A look at our site for the next week...

This is an older RV park, but seems kept up.  The scenery is "high desert," here at 7,000' elevation.  We feel the elevation.  Joan said, "Nothing strenuous for a day or two."

I countered with, "Nothing strenuous for the next year or two."  This has been an interesting trip, as we're winding down to the last 10 days or so.  We really enjoyed being on 2-lane today, but that doesn't always work for us, in terms of finding an RV park and fuel that is easily accessible.

We shot some video "from the RV" today - not sure what I'll do with it; more of an experiment.  I'll look through it later... maybe after a nap... did I mention the elevation?  ;-)

The DJI Action 4 on a solid mount used on the dash...

A few still images from the 360 camera...


The rain after we got set up...

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