Thursday, August 8, 2024

Git 'er done...


If you said, "Larry the cable guy," you get 5 bonus points.  Only 5??  If you didn't know this one, you may not be a redneck.  ;-)

Today was deemed a chore day.  Joan took the longest task: laundry.  I offered to carry stuff to the laundromat for her, but she got it all on her rolling cart.  While she did that, I dumped holding tanks, started the sanitizing on our fresh water tank (it has been sitting for a month), and re-leveled the coach.  "Hmm - isn't that just pressing a button?"  Yeah, pretty much; I didn't say it was a tough task.  With all the rain we've had, I think the ground has settled some under the motorhome - it was beginning to feel a bit low on the front.  It feels level and more solid now.

When Joan got back, she suggested pizza for lunch.  I thought she meant getting a bike or two out and heading into town.  Nope.  She made a tasty flat-bread pizza for us.

Her next task: putting a coat of spray wax on the passenger side of the motorhome.  "Are you sure?" I asked, "It looks like it is going to rain again."  Yep, she was sure.  The Maguiars spray wax goes on nicely, with no paste film to buff off - still, it is a by-hand job.  I spent most of the afternoon working on some video editing.  I backed up all my data on the computer last night, then dumped a bunch of previous video projects to make more room... these two-camera shoots eat up a lot of memory space while working them up.  I made it through the video portion; still have to record a voice-over at some point.  While I enjoy the videos when I'm done with them, this is the tedious part.  Joan's wax job shows the results right away.

As of noon, the forecast was for rain starting around 4:00.  It "feels like" it wants to rain, but the hourly forecast has dropped the precip chance to 20%.  No, I still don't trust them.  It did rain through most of the night last night and was still sprinkling when we got up this morning.  I held my breath when I went out to look at the coach... not bad: you can still see through the skylite.  It would be nice if Mother Nature would cut us some slack as we get more into the getting-ready-to-roll process.


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