Monday, August 26, 2024

Let me catch my breath...


Yes, the Blonde still takes my breath away.  More noticeable at the 7,000' elevation.

It pounded rain last night.  Lots of thunder.  The weather weasels were calling for that most of today.  But, when we got up this morning (the rain had mostly let up), the hourly forecast was calling for no rain (well, not as big of a percentage) until around 2:00.

After showering and taking Murphy for a walk, Joan and I went out to the cargo trailer and got the scoots unstrapped... we plan to get a ride in before it rains again.  First stop: trying to find the Enterprise Car Rental place... they are in a commercial building with half a dozen tennants; their sign is behind a tree (you can't see it from the street, you have to be almost at their door before you see the sign).  I think it may be a front for the CIA, as they seemed genuinely surprised when we walked in the door.

With all the rain forecast, we are going to get another rental car, so we can get out and about anytime we want.  We made arrangements to pick it up at 3:30 (hoping the rain will cut us some slack).

From there, it was about 10 miles out of town to go see the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge...

 Off the scoots to walk around a bit...

The bridge is an engineering feat, the gorge is deep and dramatic...

The sky looked threatening as we headed back towards town, but it didn't rain on us; we decided to throw fate to the wind and stopped for lunch at a Mexican restaurant.  Good food, big portions, big price.  Taos doesn't look particularly upscale, but the prices don't agree with that.

We stopped for gas on the way home, then put the scoots back in the cargo trailer.  The hourly forecast moved the rain back to around 5:00... we'll head to Enterprise on one scoot and pick up the car.  In the words of the philosopher Dirty Harry: "So, punk - do you feel lucky?"  ;-)

(Some of the photos are from my phone, some from Joan's - can you tell which is which?)


We picked up a car this afternoon... and the weather was glorious: sunshine and friendly looking clouds.  The weasels even took the rain out of the forecast for tonight.  The young lady at the car rental place was nice enough to give us an upgrade; she asked, "Would you like like a Toyota Corolla or a Kia Soul?"

"I've never driven a Soul, let's go for that."  She did the paperwork and we went out to check out the car... except, it wasn't there.  Back inside.  For the inconvenience (it really wasn't), she upgraded our upgrade: we left with a Hyundai Sonata...

It's a good looking car, with a very nice interior.  A bit low slung for an old guy to get in and out, but I'll adapt.  It should be comfortable to explore the area when the rain returns.

Back home, Murphy got to go for a couple nice walks...

I think he liked the grassy site we had in Harrison, AR, better, but he has been doing his "jungle cat" routine, looking through the sage bushes around our site here.  He just likes to get out.

We came back in just after the sun went down - I got this shot with my phone of the evening sky...


Jeff Collingwood said...

It will be interesting to hear your comments on the Sonata. We bought a Hyundai Sonata Hybrid Limited. we have owned the car since April 2023 and we love the car (except when we found out it does not have a spare tire). I bought an aftermarket spare with jack and everything. I will not be in that position again. These new cars with their low profile tires are prone to blowouts from potholes.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Jeff. Our daughter's Lexus has run-flat tires - I'm with you: give me a spare, just in case. I never thought to check whether this rental has a spare... would be good to know. Seems odd that any car would come without a spare. I'll post on here what we think of the Sonata.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

An update on the rental car: it is an Elantra, not a Sonata. No, I don't know the difference. We'll be off in a bit for a "car tour."