Saturday, August 10, 2024

Ordered Photos...


Didn't you used to be a professional photographer, Jim?  Yes, indeed; for many years.  Some things you just can't shoot yourself... like when we rode Tail of the Dragon.  There are several photography outfits that set up along that stretch of highway and photograph every vehicle that goes by.  Multiple images of each, in fact.

Last night, I got online and looked through the images that were taken on Monday from 2 different photographers.  Nice images and the prices were very reasonable - about 1/4 of what photographers were charging for the high resolution digital file last year during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.  They made it easy to order a few images.

I ordered a couple from two different places.  The first one had my images available for download in about 7 minutes... can't complain about that kind of service!

While the small images here don't show it, the resolution is decent on these.

Interesting business model.  It proved to be profitable for the first guy to do it, so others got in on it, too.  The storage of the thousands of images taken each day has to cost them some bucks.  As well as paying someone to sit out under the tent/kiosk and take the photos.  Then, get them sorted (based on date and time at one place, and date, time, and type of vehicle (motorcycle, scooter, full dress bike, trikes, cars, etc) and put online.

The order process is simple, and each of the two places I ordered from use the same online processor.  You can order just the digital file, or prints (from 4x6 to 24x30) and other items with your photo on it.  You can do what you want with the photos you order on a non-commercial basis.  So, these people never see or deal with the customer direct - there is a separate company that handles getting digital files posted (so you can download them), prints made and mailed, etc.

More like a photographic assembly line... as long as the person doing the shooting can pan and press the shutter release while keeping the subject in the frame, the camera will yield a reasonable digital image.  On the bright side, the photographer can do the job while sitting in a camp chair, out of the sun/rain.  And, if they miss the shot... oh, well.  They have all staked out their place at pull-outs, and all the curves on that road means you have plenty of good vantage points.


Entertainment and a meal...

Breakfast out this morning - Waffle House.  The WH in Wayne's World is not far.  Lots of cars in the lot when we got there, but the counter seating was wide open.  While a booth is more comfortable, at the counter you can watch the cooking going on.  "Are you getting any ideas?" Joan asked.

"You mean about griddling?"  My mind tends to go in other directions often.

The food was good, the service was mediocre - the 3 waitresses had gathered to look on their phones and help one of them decide what to do for her next tattoo... not stereo-typing, just the facts, Jack.  From there, it was off to Publix for one last grocery run (yes, I put the top case on Joan's bike).

We have a plan for the afternoon: I am going to get bikes cleaned (plenty of riding in the rain and on wet roads); we'll work on getting stuff on the patio cleaned and put away; Joan would like to get to the last section of the coach (the whole driver's side) to get waxed.  And, with that last rain, the front cap is going to need to be cleaned up once again.

When we got back from the store, we left the bikes by the front of the motorhome...

Closer to unload the groceries, and some shade on the bikes (yes, actual sunshine today, although the morning started foggy again) when they cool down so I can get them washed.

And now, we're going after the clean-up/pick-up stuff.
The other company came through with their digital download...

 Not sure what I'm going to do with the images, but they are a nice keepsake.

1 comment:

Earl49 said...

Nice images, indeed. I have a some of those from our riding days too, and have shot a few myself too.