Thursday, December 31, 2020

Baby, it's cold outside...


If you said, ""Baby, It's Cold Outside" is a popular song written by Frank Loesser in 1944 and introduced to the public in the 1949 film Neptune's Daughter," I am impressed, and you get 750 bonus points.  I'm not going to get into any discussion of the recent controversy of this song.

It is a chilly New Years Eve Day in the Tropical Tip - it was 50º when I got up this morning, with the north wind gusting above 35mph and the humidity was 87%.  Rain off and on overnight.  I thought I might not a walk in today.  I let things dry up a bit, and took my morning walk around 1:00pm...

 So, what'd you do all morning?  Thanks for asking - much the same as I did last night: playing the new SG.  In spite of the ugly fret ends, the guitar has nice action and a great variety of tones.  Joan ordered a set of fret filing tools from StewMac (a company that makes/sells tools for working on guitars).  It will be a week or two before those come in, and I will work on the guitar.

In the meantime...


That's a THR30ii amp at the lower left - this guitar is a nice match-up with that versatile small amp.

The issue with the guitar is the fret ends on the lower side of the neck...

Even with the phone camera, you can see where the fret ends aren't flush with the side of the neck.  Every place where those metal frets stick out is like a meat-hook, grabbing where your hand (mostly the left index finger) rubs against as you move up and down the neck.  It takes special tools to file that down without scarring up the binding (white area on the edge of the neck) or the fretboard itself.

The guitar itself seems decent; just a problem with those fret ends.  Since I haven't done that kind of work before, I assume it will take me a couple hours (being careful) once the tools get here.  

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Those 3 special words...


I love you?  Well, sure, that's nice.  I was thinking: "Out for Delivery."

I am the "big idea" guy; Joan is the details person.  I mentioned to her that the guitar was showing "Awaiting delivery info" in McAllen, TX, according to the tracking information I had.  She said, "The package has been transferred to the Brownsville UPS hub and has been loaded on the truck, and marked out for delivery."  She has the UPS app that gives her way better details.  She knows the status of a UPS package as soon as UPS gets it... if it has our address on it, she immediately knows who the package is from and the enroute/delivery status.  Pretty impressive.

My info is old school.  Of course, I remember the days before you got the tracking info: your package will be there when it gets there.  I remember when we would anxiously await a delivery, wondering when it would show up, even if the tracking said, "Out for Delivery."  Now, Joan says, "UPS just crossed over the swing bridge."  Really impressive.

Gone are the days of glancing out the window like a kid waiting for the ice cream truck to pull into the neighborhood.  Now: the driver has stopped for lunch; he's having a BLT with extra mayo.


I have mixed feelings.  I'm anxious to see if this new pickup system on the guitar is as good as the reviews are saying.  My experience with the music store in Wisconsin was pretty awful.  The owner was decent; the dipshit salesguy who gave me a half-assed apology responded to the note I sent to Reverb; I was letting them know this place still had an ad up, showing the guitar in stock... "Only one left - order now!"  They have now closed that listing.  A full day after I had it out with them.  Way to stay on top of things.  They didn't close it until I said something.  Hope the guitar is as good as expected - I don't want to have to deal with them again.


Makes me laugh.  Joan has been giving me occasional updates: it's less than a mile away, but it's on the other side of the ICW... he's at the Dairy Queen now... he's at ArtSea (one of our favorite gift shops by the lighthouse).  Her app is saying between 4:00 and 7:00.  The less specific tracking I have is saying by 9:00pm.  Signature required.  They said that when Apple sent back my MacBook Pro... nope.  Drop it and run.  Didn't matter to me - I had the laptop in my hands.


Yep, it showed up...

UPS was stealthy.  They put it on the steps to our back deck, didn't knock on the door, didn't ring the doorbell, didn't ask for a signature.  We didn't know it was there until I was ready to go check mail just after 4:00.

I opened the box (after I got back from checking mail).  The guitar is good looking.  The fret work on the bottom side of the neck is awful... the fret ends stick out beyond the binding on the side of the neck; it's hard on the left hand.

John from the music store called to see what I thought of the guitar.  I'm guessing he's sorry he did that.  He offered to send a tag so I could ship it back... he is trying to make an effort to make up for their previous crap move.  He also said he personally checked the guitar over before they boxed it up, as well as having their guitar tech make sure everything on it was perfect.  Maybe it's me - I've only been playing guitar 56 years, so I may not know what I'm talking about (my words, not his).  Seriously, the fret work on the one side of the neck is the worst I've ever seen.  That can be fixed.  It should have been done before it left the factory.  And if not there, it certainly should have been done before it left the music store.

Rather than send it back, I will order some fret working tools and fix it myself.  Hey, I watched a video... I haven't had to do this on any guitar I've owned... and I've owned a guitar or two over the years.  I've done other set-up work on my guitars to get them to play the way I like; I've just never come across this situation before.  This can happen when you order a guitar online, I guess; well, it hasn't happened to me.  If I went into a music store and took this guitar off the wall, I would have put it right back and moved on; maybe let a salesperson know that they need to fix it.

I played the guitar for a couple hours this evening - I really like these new Fishman Fluence pickups.  The rest of the guitar is comfortable.  The lower part of the index finger on my left hand (where it rubs against those fret ends) is raw... nothing to do with the calluses on my fingertips.

Just a crap experience all around; truly nothing I can recommend about Cream City Music.  I won't make it my life's work to tell the world about my experience with them, and you can be sure they won't send me a "How'd we do?" questionnaire.  There are a lot of other really good guitar shops I've dealt with... not sure how these guys actually had this guitar in stock when no one else has been able to get their hands on them, yet.  I take responsibility for buying from them - I got all excited about something new... I should have waited until a guitar shop I know and trust got some in.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Customer Service...


Getting lousy customer service sucks.  Having a business ignore you after making a purchase really sucks.  Having that same business tell you that your order will be shipped on a specific date and then finding out they don't even have the item in stock sucks ass.

I ordered a guitar last week.  No, not an Emerald.  Not even an acoustic guitar; a solid body electric.  A brand new model being offered with new technology pickups.  Well, a classic rock 'n roll model guitar with the new pickups.

These are hard to find in the US right now.  But, having a "super shopper" in the family (no, not me), Joan found a music shop that showed they had two in stock in Reverb (a music equipment sales site).  I asked about it through Reverb, and they offered me a 10% discount.  I looked around and couldn't find this model, in this color, with these pickups, in stock, anywhere else.

I ordered it and received an email saying it would be shipped "right away.  The business is in Wisconsin, and their initials are: Cream City Music.

After a few days and no word on shipping, I contacted them.  "That guitar will ship out on Monday."  A week since I ordered it.  Monday came and went, no contact from them.  This morning, I was pissed.  I finally got someone to respond honestly and found out they never had the guitar in stock.  They blamed Gibson/Epiphone, the holidays, Covid... and had nothing to say when I told them that the guitar manufacturer, the holidays, and Covid didn't falsely advertise that they had two in stock.  I demanded (and got) an immediate refund.

A couple hours later, I got a call from the owner of the business... he was very apologetic and said the problem was "100% our fault."  Turns out he seems to be very sorry and said that this is not they way they do business... a problem on top of a problem that got missed by several of his people.  By the end of the conversation, we were talking like a couple of friends.  He finally said, "I know you feel we let you down, but I will make you a "screaming hot deal" on that color we have in stock" (my second choice, Joan's first choice)... please tell me what else I can do to make this right.  I said I'd think about it.  I had no intentions of thinking about it.

Joan heard most of the conversation.  For some reason, she found it possible to believe it was an honest mistake more than I did.  She encouraged me to take him up on his offer.  I texted him an inquiry for the guitar, plus a couple other things I wanted to go with it and overnight shipping, and to have him "shoot me a price."

He called while I was in the shower; Joan answered my phone.  She made the deal.  This will be Joan's second guitar... no, she doesn't play.  The deal was good but not "screaming hot" in my opinion.  They had the one on display and one other one new in a box.  They are shipping the new one.  Joan is happy.  I'll reserve judgement.  For the record, they do have the blue in stock (the owner went out on the sales floor while he and I were on the phone); the red that I wanted (and that their ad on Reverb said was in stock) turned out to NOT be in stock.

The owner had one of the employees (the one who blamed Gibson/Epiphone, Covid, and the holidays) send me an apology.  Less than sincere.  If that had come first, I absolutely would not have given them a second chance.

As a former business owner, I am very aware that the customer isn't always right... but, the customer always deserves honest dealings.  This place has a 99% satisfaction rating with a bunch of 5 star reviews.  Apparently, they are treating some people right.  I just checked that Reverb ad... yep, they are still showing one of the red model in stock.  What is that smell?  Oh, it's bullshit.  I can't believe they didn't correct that ad, especially after the heated discussion today.  Well, yeah, I do believe they didn't correct the ad.  They got one sale from me - they won't get another.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Live to Ride...


If you said, "Part of the tattoo on your ass that reads: 'Live to Ride, Ride to Eat'," you get 30 bonus points, mostly for looking at my ass.  Joking, of course - the proper wording is: Live to Ride, Ride to Live.  "Is that really on your ass?" you ask.  Thanks for asking... you lose your 30 bonus points.

I took the Vespa out for a real ride today.  Last week's ride was just for my determination.  Today, it was an outing around town and the resort.  I rode for about an hour, and it was great...


Joan was at the grocery store, so I didn't have a photographer to capture the momentous occasion.  That shot above is from my phone that is mounted on the bike.  I do like that Quad Lock mount - it holds the phone securely and at an angle where I can see the GPS info on Waze; an easy reach for the USB cable on the socket I installed.  73º and breezy; partly cloudy... a nice day for a ride.

I'll let you know later, but not much abdominal ache after today's ride.  So far.  To add to really feeling like a scooter pilot again, I got the license plate for the scoot today.  Seems like it took a while for Piaggio to get the MSO sent to AF1 Racing so they could get my title, registration, and plate going.  One week beyond two months to get that plate.  I had the temporary paper plate on there, which made me look like a newbie.

The glint of the metal-flake paint on that scoot makes me smile.


I had some prescriptions to pick up at Walgreens.  I got the text from them while I was reading the Battle Scooters forum and saw that the current scooter tag is: you scoot at a pawn shop.  There is a pawn shop right next door to Walgreens... Joan suggested I take the Vespa to get the prescriptions.

The grab...

While waiting at the drive-up window at Walgreens, I decided on the new tag...

Your scooter at a drive-up window.  It is fun to be back in the game.  Good on Joan for suggesting it.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Some clarification...


Tomorrow, it will be four weeks since "the big poke."  I am mending well and feeling good.  I can walk as far as I want (within reason), and it doesn't hurt to cough, sneeze, or get up from a chair.

Getting a short ride on the Vespa earlier this week was a real boost.  I mentioned that I was sore afterwards, and from e-mails and private messages I received, I can tell that some folks are confused about this procedure... based on comments about "needing a donut to sit on."  It wasn't my ass that was sore, it was my innards; specifically, from the naval to the nads feels like everything inside has been "all shook up."

The surgeon went in through my lower abdomen with 4 "poke holes" and one exit hole above my navel, where the prostate came out.  Those holes were stitched and glued.  They don't in through your ass, so no donut needed.  But (notice only one '"t" in that), the abdominal muscles get poked through and stretched around, so that is part of the pain.  When riding a motorcycle or scoot, you do a good portion of your steering by leaning, and that requires using some of those core muscles.

Another two weeks, and I am off the restrictions for what to ride and lifting no more than 10 pounds.  I plan to slowly work up.  Seventeen days since having the catheter pulled, and I am seeing some improvement in the peeing department.  Well, holding the pee department.  Getting better?  Yeah, Depends. (another joke)  I'm saying about a 70% improvement, if I put a number on it.  The bladder and the urethra are learning to play together without the structure of Mr. Prostate.  It's a process, and the range you get from Dr. Google says "months" rather than days.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!


If you are reading this - we made it.  This year has been unusual, to say the least.  Joan and I have become pretty good at being hermits, even when we're out and about with the motorhome.  At home, we do fine keeping to ourselves.  Rufus is the "wild card," and likes to be a social boy... I have to keep him reigned in at times when we're out for a walk.

This is a different Christmas Day for us.  Instead of face-to-face, we will be FaceTiming with Steph and Dan in an hour or so.  Rather than lament about not being together, I will delight in seeing their faces on my screen.

The house already smells good this morning: Joan is making cinnamon rolls to start our day.

Joan and I were talking about this year last night... she said it well: "Together, we can get through anything."

Another week and we can say good-bye to 2020.  In the near term, I don't expect 2021 to be much different.  But, there is hope on the horizon... and that is something to consider this Christmas Day.

Virtual hugs,

Jim, Joan and Rufus


Looking out our living room windows this morning, it is chilly (42º when we got up), but glorious: the sun is shining, blue sky, the wind isn't howling.  It's a pretty start to the day.



Not the same as being there, but it was nice to visit with Steph and Dan this morning, and get close to our traditional gift opening...

Joan opening one of her presents...

This gift was for the both of us, but it is all about Rufus (there was a bit of a cat theme this year)...

Because... Rufus is such a good boy!  Steph got one of those pillows for herself, with her 3 cats on it.  We got to see the grandkitties when they panned the computer around.  It was a nice visit.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

It's that time...


Steph and Dan usually come to visit us, often arriving on Christmas Eve.  Mother Nature knows this and greets them with the arrival of a norther that generally coincided with their arrival.  The family joke: Steph brings on the crappy weather.

In this year of the virus, Steph and Dan wisely canceled their plans to visit us this year.  Apparently, Mother Nature didn't get the memo... about 1:00 in the morning, this norther blew in with temperatures dropping and winds 30 to 35mph, gusting to 45.  We planned for it, by putting everything away on the deck and rolling up the sun shades yesterday.  That didn't stop the noise from the wind howling and palm branches from the neighbor's tree blowing off and banging into everything.  I think we're going to need a nap this afternoon.

Happy Christmas Eve.  This year will be different: the first time since Steph and Dan got married that the four of us aren't together for Christmas.  It is usually games and prizes and family tradition food.  Joan has a Christmas Day meal planned (turkey and all the fixin's).  This evening it will be our traditional Christmas Eve lasagna.  The joy and the love will still be there, even though we'll share it long distance.

My favorite Rufus photo to celebrate this day...

 And, of course, sharing how Santa gets around here...

It probably won't get out of the 50s here today, with the gusty wind continuing.  Into the upper 60s tomorrow, and back into the 70s after that.  Mother Nature said, "Oh, she's not coming?  Well, I can't just turn it off like a light switch."

Sending you warm wishes for joy, peace, and hope this Christmas.

Jim, Joan, and Rufus

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Didja suffer?


Regarding the ride yesterday... no.  My nether regions were a bit achy from the different movements, but my heart was very happy.  No more ibuprofen than usual.  I slept good last night.  Well, except for the dream.

Since the surgery, I have been having weird dreams.  Not scary nightmares (like someone harvesting my prostate); just weird.  When I remember my dreams, they are often about working.  Some from the photography days, shooting sessions.  Some from the boat driving days.  Last night's dream was from the boat driving days, but not about driving a boat...

I was walking down the dock; it wasn't the actual dock where the boats were slipped, but a much longer one.  My phone fell out of my pocket, and of course, went into the water.  There was a slightly submerged dock, a couple feet under the water, alongside the main dock.  Looking down, my phone was glowing in the water, sitting on that submerged dock.  I figured I'd only get wet to the knees, but I could get my phone back.  Climbing off the side of the main dock, I lowered myself into the water.  When I bent down to get my phone, I saw 4 more phones on that same submerged dock.  I gathered them up and put them on the dry dock.  Then, spent the rest of the afternoon finding out who the other phones belonged to.  It was actually my first day off after finishing a season, so I didn't have to drive a boat - I was just going to go out for the fun of it, as a passenger.

Weird, huh?  I have no idea what it meant.  I did once drop a phone in the water while launching one of our sailboats.  Yes, I could see it glowing.  I thought, "Some dumbass dropped their phone in the water"... then reached for my pocket to determine I was the dumbass.  That was a long time ago.  Back when phones were less than $100.  And a flip phone was for making calls; if you wanted to send a text on it, you had to scroll through the alphabet and press the button 1 to 4 times, depending on what letter you wanted.  The phone wasn't connected to the internet and it was 25¢ to send or receive a text. Yeah, the "olden days."

Must be a "slow news day."  ;-)


We are all saying that 2021 has to be better.  This illustrates my thoughts...

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Anyone up for a ride?


Me!  Pick me!

I knew today would be the day.  I've given it plenty of thought.  When Joan said, "I have a break in what I'm doing, so if you want to get the scoot out, this would be a good time."

That sounds like completely onboard to me.  Twelve days from the time the surgeon said, "Give it a month from now"... I like being ahead of schedule.  No, I am certainly not 100%, but my psyche could use a boost, and a short ride on the Vespa may not be what the doctor ordered, but I know what I need.

The lots are compact on our island, and a garage is rare.  The scoots stay in our "portable garage," also known as the cargo trailer.  The door to that trailer is heavy, so Joan insisted that she lower the door.  She also suggested that she be the one to pull the Vespa out... I think that's what she said, I was pretty focused...

Yes, I am wearing shorts.  I have to be selective about what kind of clothing goes across my middle, so soft waistbands are my current fashion trend.  I pulled the scoot out and put on a helmet and gloves...

Joan was recording this momentous occasion...


I assured Joan that I would stay in our neighborhood.  For full disclosure, after I left our street, I left our island and rode a few blocks into Port Isabel to get a photo of the scoot at a coffee shop there, to be able to post something in a thread about scooters and coffee shops.  I am still not a coffee drinker, but I am once again a scooter rider.  ;-)  And, I consider this part of "our neighborhood."

 Back at the house, I did as instructed and let Joan know of my triumphant return.  She watched while I put the Vespa away, then she closed the ramp door.  In the grand scheme of things, it was a short ride; for my sense of well-being, it was an important step.

A lovely day; temp was in the mid-70s, a light breeze, and partly sunny.  We're supposed to have a cool and windy day on Christmas Eve and only in the 60s on Christmas Day.  This was a good time for a first outing.


Monday, December 21, 2020

An outing...


It wasn't an absolute necessity, but it was time for the monthly running-of-the-generator and a few other things out at our storage unit (40 miles inland).  Combined with a stop to pick up the desk calendar I ordered.

The calendar looks great, Chick-fil-A was tasty, and we got everything done we wanted to do with the motorhome and the storage unit.


On the way back home, I said, "I'm tired, but I think I handled all this stuff OK.  Maybe in the next day or two, I'll take the scooter for a short ride around the neighborhood."

"Just the neighborhood, right?" Joan asked.  "You need to let me help you get it out."  No fuss, no "It's WAY too soon."  She understands.  We'll see how that works out.

It has been 3 weeks today since my prostate went missing.  I'm beginning to think it isn't coming back.

Oh, and Happy Winter Solstice... the daylight gets longer each day now.

When the moon is in the 7th house...


... and Jupiter aligns with Saturn.

If you said, "Jim, you messed up the words to Age of Aquarius from the the Broadway production of Hair," you get 20 bonus points.  The real words are "Jupiter aligns with Mars."

But, last night and tonight, if you have a clear sky, you can see Jupiter and Saturn very close together (the "great conjunction").  The last time this occurred at night (when you could see it) was in 1226... I was just a kid at the time, so I don't really remember it.

We call it a "great" conjunction because to ancient skywatchers, these were the two slowest moving planets in the sky.  Jupiter takes nearly 12 years to describe a full circle in the heavens, spending a year visiting each zodiacal sign in the sky, while Saturn takes 29.5 years to make one full trip around the sun. Because of their respective slow movement, a conjunction or — to the ancients — a "celestial summit meeting," was rather unusual. Such get-togethers happen, in most cases, about every 20 years on average.  But on Dec. 21, we see Jupiter and Saturn separated by just 6 arc minutes. That's equal to 0.1 degrees or about one-fifth the apparent width of the moon.

For those keeping track, this is also the Winter Solstice.  Some say this may have been that "Christmas star" (star of Bethlehem) that three wise guys were following a couple thousand years ago.

Last night, we went out on our deck to check it out.  Yep - with a pair of stabilized binoculars, we could see both; but, no camera equipment I have has enough focal length to capture that.  We do, however, have an app that tells us what we are seeing in the night sky...

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Pa rum pum pum pum...


If you said, "The Little Drummer Boy," you get 10 bonus points.  If you said, "It was written by American classical music composer and teacher Katherine Kennicott Davis in 1941," you get 10,000 bonus points.

You have have seen this on the internet...

 It made me laugh out loud.

I took yesterday off; well, not from everything, but from making a post here.  I got my walking exercise in - three times, for a mile and a half total.  But, I didn't do much else.

A good night's sleep last night, and I was ready to take on the day today.  After getting my first walk in this morning, I wanted to try playing drums.  I figured just "a sit test," to see if my nether regions could handle it.  I eased onto the seat tenderly.  Turned on the controller, put on some headphones, and picked up some drumsticks.  It didn't hurt.  Twenty minutes of playing, my lower belly felt like I had just done 100 sit ups.  Not in a bad way.  I didn't realize what a good core-workout playing drums would be.

I can tell I am feeling better: this morning, I had visions of riding that beautiful blue Vespa dancing in my head.  Until today, the idea of putting my ass on that scooter seat made everything in my nether regions say, "Oh, hell no!"  Today, they said, "Maybe.  Soon."  It has been 10 days since the surgeon said, "Give it at least a month," when I asked about riding again.

Getting better each day.

Friday, December 18, 2020



If you said, "Little River Band, 1978," you get 50 bonus points.  Yes, we really like Little River Band.  This reminiscing isn't about the song... I wanted to make a desk calendar for 2021 with photos.  I surprised Joan with one last year, but I chose to involve her in the photo selection process this time around.  We sat on the couch and looked through a year's worth of images.  Last year's calendar was all about Rufus; this time, it is mostly about Rufus, but Joan wanted a couple "event" images: an image with one of her completed quilt projects, and another with my new scoot.  And, lots of Rufus images that make us smile.

Because, he is a good boy.  ;-)

A glimpse...


Yes, the images are mostly from 2020... and, like everyone else, we are ready to be done with 2020... but there were bright moments that have meaning for us, as well.  Plenty of "warm fuzzy" feelings as we looked through the blog and the images.


The house smells good... a loaf of fresh baked bread, meatballs, and spaghetti sauce.  We will be eating good tonight.  :-)

Thursday, December 17, 2020

One week...


Since the doctor "pulled the tube."  Not having a bag strapped to your leg sure makes it easier to move around.

I used to be able to offer these as my redeeming qualities: "I'm loyal, don't eat much, and I'm housebroke."  Well, two out of three for right now.  I have been forthright in my descriptions of this post surgery stuff, since dignity is one of those things that went by the wayside.  The men's Depends are a part of my wardrobe.  The first couple days, I piddled like an excited Cocker Spaniel puppy.  I have been doing the Kegel exercises and there is improvement.  Nighttime is the right time... I have to get up a couple times during the night to visit the potty, but I stay mostly dry.  I don't know if I am just tired by the time evening rolls around, but it's a good thing to have that pad in my pants.

Joan has said, "Now you know how we women feel, needing a pad for one week out of four.  I'm glad that's in the past."  Even without the testosterone inhibitor, I'm thinking this isn't quite the same... and for the record: blue balls.  Yeah, digressing.  Incontinence is normal for a period of time after prostate removal.  There doesn't seem to be a consensus on how long that "period of time" might be... months... a year... 18 months.  I'm encouraged by the improvement in this week.

Got to go (pun intended)... time for my Kegel reps.  No photos; you're welcome. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Twas The Night Before Christmas, 2020


This is not mine, but it sure sums up what most of us are feeling.  This was posted on the NuWa Owners Forum, and I am sharing here...

Twas the year 2020, and all through the house
every creature was stirring, from Human to Mouse.
The stockings  were tossed on the chimney, who cares,
it's been months since we entertained, would Saint Nick even dare?
The children were nestled all snug in their beds
as visions of rubber gloves danced in their heads.
and Mama in her gaiter and me and my mask,
had just settled our brains for a long cleaning task.
When out on the roof there arose such a clatter.
I sprang from my mop to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash.
I peeked through the shutter, barely touching the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,
gave me faith that someday we'd have somewhere to go.
When what do my wondering eyes should appear,
but a miniature sleigh, and eight spotless reindeer.
With a little old driver decked out in full gear,
I knew in a moment we'd have Christmas this year!
More safely than Hazmat the reindeer they came,
and he whistled and shouted and called them by name.
Now Clorox! Now Pine-Sol! Now Lysol and Purex!
On Comet! On Purell! On Top Job and Germ-X!
Wipe the top of the porch! Then the top of the wall!
Now wipe away! Wipe away!  Wipe away all!
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
when they finished and then took a jump to the sky.
So up to the housetop the reindeer they flew.
With a sleigh full of masks, and Saint Nicholas too!
And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof,
the pawing of each little rubber gloved hoof.
As I pulled up my mask and was turning around,
Down the chimney a big bucket came with a bound!
It was covered in plastic from bottom to top,
and the contents were sterile, despite the long drop.
I missed seeing his eyes and his dimples so merry.
But this virus prevents that, these times are so scary.
I imagined his face and his little round belly,
That shook when he laughed like hand sanitizer jelly.
but I saw him outside though, as he stood near his sleigh,
and I laughed when I saw him, from six feet away..
With a wink of his eye and a wave of his hand,
I felt warm inside, Santa too understands.
And without a word I went right to my work.
I filled all our stockings, then turned with a jerk
And laying a finger aside of his mask,
The reindeer rose up, they had finished their task.
He waved to me then, to his team gave a shout,
and socially distancing, quickly flew out.
But I heard him proclaim as he drove out of sight,
Merry Christmas to all,  we will all be all right.


And, a different take...


A big event today: I drove Joan around.  First stop: Burger Fi.  We ate in the car.  A cool, blustery day; didn't get out of the 50s, but the sunshine was lovely.  It was comfortable in the car.  Next stop - the Thrift Shop that supports the Port Isabel Animal Shelter.  Joan cleaned out her closet and had a nice load of clothing and purses for them.  Then, the Post Office; they had a package for us that could have fit in our box... seems they didn't even try.  Yes, I understand: they are inundated.  I would think it would be less work to put just put it in our box, rather than fill out a tag to put in our box, take the small box back to the Post Office, and make a worker there have to hunt for it after Joan stands in line.  But, what do I know?

On the bright side: the burger was outstanding.  I think I have the meat sweats.  ;-)


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Out on the scoots...


Me?  Oh, hell no!  At the surgeon's office last Thursday, I did ask about when it would be OK to ride again.  I saw the furrows in her forehead and the eyes roll... there was some hesitation, then she said, "At least a month."  I could tell she was thinking more.

Truth be told, my nether regions are telling me "Not yet."  But, it gives me something to work toward.

Joan and I had talked about her taking the scoots out to get the batteries charged up and the engines thoroughly warmed up.  We have had some chilly weather this past week, but it is gorgeous today: into the 70s, mostly sunny, some breeze... she has other things going, but she agreed to give me a hand.  Oh, there was some discussion: "If you even think about getting on one of those bikes, I will hide the keys."  I'm not saying who said that to whom.  ;-)  If you thought I was going to get on those scoots, read that "nether regions" sentence above.  Really, not yet.

I rolled each scoot out, and she helped me get them on the center stand.  They each fired right up.  Joan was nice enough to run each of them out on the road long enough to get them up to temp...

The Xmax, waiting its turn...

Not sitting on it, but proof I was there...

I put each one away.  I haven't received the license plates yet for the Vespa.  When I spoke with Sean at AF1 last week, he said they had 3 bikes that Piaggio hadn't sent the MSO yet, but he assured me they were on it.  He sent us a file for a new paper plate, since the original is due to expire in 5 days.  Printed and put on... that was my "scooter work" for the day.  Better than nothing.  :-)

Monday, December 14, 2020

Lighted Golf Cart Parade...


Tonight was the Annual Lighted Golf Cart Parade on our island.  Good turn out; lots of fun decorations on the carts.

We started off the viewing from our deck on the canal - there is a bridge that connects to the next street there.  A bit further away, but a nice view...


A view from our deck down our canal before going to the front of the house...

A chilly night, 53º when the parade went by.  Kinda makes it feel Christmasy.  Happy Holidays!