Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Didja suffer?


Regarding the ride yesterday... no.  My nether regions were a bit achy from the different movements, but my heart was very happy.  No more ibuprofen than usual.  I slept good last night.  Well, except for the dream.

Since the surgery, I have been having weird dreams.  Not scary nightmares (like someone harvesting my prostate); just weird.  When I remember my dreams, they are often about working.  Some from the photography days, shooting sessions.  Some from the boat driving days.  Last night's dream was from the boat driving days, but not about driving a boat...

I was walking down the dock; it wasn't the actual dock where the boats were slipped, but a much longer one.  My phone fell out of my pocket, and of course, went into the water.  There was a slightly submerged dock, a couple feet under the water, alongside the main dock.  Looking down, my phone was glowing in the water, sitting on that submerged dock.  I figured I'd only get wet to the knees, but I could get my phone back.  Climbing off the side of the main dock, I lowered myself into the water.  When I bent down to get my phone, I saw 4 more phones on that same submerged dock.  I gathered them up and put them on the dry dock.  Then, spent the rest of the afternoon finding out who the other phones belonged to.  It was actually my first day off after finishing a season, so I didn't have to drive a boat - I was just going to go out for the fun of it, as a passenger.

Weird, huh?  I have no idea what it meant.  I did once drop a phone in the water while launching one of our sailboats.  Yes, I could see it glowing.  I thought, "Some dumbass dropped their phone in the water"... then reached for my pocket to determine I was the dumbass.  That was a long time ago.  Back when phones were less than $100.  And a flip phone was for making calls; if you wanted to send a text on it, you had to scroll through the alphabet and press the button 1 to 4 times, depending on what letter you wanted.  The phone wasn't connected to the internet and it was 25¢ to send or receive a text. Yeah, the "olden days."

Must be a "slow news day."  ;-)


We are all saying that 2021 has to be better.  This illustrates my thoughts...

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