Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Out on the scoots...


Me?  Oh, hell no!  At the surgeon's office last Thursday, I did ask about when it would be OK to ride again.  I saw the furrows in her forehead and the eyes roll... there was some hesitation, then she said, "At least a month."  I could tell she was thinking more.

Truth be told, my nether regions are telling me "Not yet."  But, it gives me something to work toward.

Joan and I had talked about her taking the scoots out to get the batteries charged up and the engines thoroughly warmed up.  We have had some chilly weather this past week, but it is gorgeous today: into the 70s, mostly sunny, some breeze... she has other things going, but she agreed to give me a hand.  Oh, there was some discussion: "If you even think about getting on one of those bikes, I will hide the keys."  I'm not saying who said that to whom.  ;-)  If you thought I was going to get on those scoots, read that "nether regions" sentence above.  Really, not yet.

I rolled each scoot out, and she helped me get them on the center stand.  They each fired right up.  Joan was nice enough to run each of them out on the road long enough to get them up to temp...

The Xmax, waiting its turn...

Not sitting on it, but proof I was there...

I put each one away.  I haven't received the license plates yet for the Vespa.  When I spoke with Sean at AF1 last week, he said they had 3 bikes that Piaggio hadn't sent the MSO yet, but he assured me they were on it.  He sent us a file for a new paper plate, since the original is due to expire in 5 days.  Printed and put on... that was my "scooter work" for the day.  Better than nothing.  :-)

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