Sunday, December 27, 2020

Some clarification...


Tomorrow, it will be four weeks since "the big poke."  I am mending well and feeling good.  I can walk as far as I want (within reason), and it doesn't hurt to cough, sneeze, or get up from a chair.

Getting a short ride on the Vespa earlier this week was a real boost.  I mentioned that I was sore afterwards, and from e-mails and private messages I received, I can tell that some folks are confused about this procedure... based on comments about "needing a donut to sit on."  It wasn't my ass that was sore, it was my innards; specifically, from the naval to the nads feels like everything inside has been "all shook up."

The surgeon went in through my lower abdomen with 4 "poke holes" and one exit hole above my navel, where the prostate came out.  Those holes were stitched and glued.  They don't in through your ass, so no donut needed.  But (notice only one '"t" in that), the abdominal muscles get poked through and stretched around, so that is part of the pain.  When riding a motorcycle or scoot, you do a good portion of your steering by leaning, and that requires using some of those core muscles.

Another two weeks, and I am off the restrictions for what to ride and lifting no more than 10 pounds.  I plan to slowly work up.  Seventeen days since having the catheter pulled, and I am seeing some improvement in the peeing department.  Well, holding the pee department.  Getting better?  Yeah, Depends. (another joke)  I'm saying about a 70% improvement, if I put a number on it.  The bladder and the urethra are learning to play together without the structure of Mr. Prostate.  It's a process, and the range you get from Dr. Google says "months" rather than days.

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