Wednesday, August 3, 2022

B-b-b-b-b-Bad... Bad To The Bone...


If you said, "George Thorogood and the Destroyers, 1982," you get 10 bonus points.

"Only 10?" you ask.  Yeah, quit your whining - I had asked that one sometime in the last year.  "Since the Rally is almost upon you, are you feeling bad to the bone on your Honda?" you ask.  Thanks for asking, but not particularly; but Rufus does...

 He has his black harness on, so he's ready.  He can turn on that badass look (above), but we all know he's a sweetie...


"So, Pops, are we going for a ride?"  Look at that sweet face.

I got a nice ride in this morning - southern Hills, including Iron Mountain Road.  A glorious morning - not too hot... yeah, one in a row.  I expected a lot more traffic, but I had IMR almost entirely to myself... well, in my lane.  There were plenty of bikes coming at me in the other lane.  I had my lane unencumbered through all the southern stretch, through all 3 tunnels, both splits, and the switch backs.  Two of the three pigtails - I didn't come up on another vehicle until the last pigtail; it was a Kia, and they weren't driving like they were scared.

A truly enjoyable ride!

When I got home (well, back to the motorhome), I figured I was due for cleaning and lubing the chain.  I was going to do it in the front part of our site since Joan and Rufus were sitting out under the awning.  Joan said, "You'll be way more comfortable in the shade - I'll move a couple chairs and you can pull it right in."  She even brought me a padded kneeler... might as well be comfortable.

And that's how Rufus got to get some seat time on the CTX.  'Cause he's a good boy... g-g-g-g-g-good to the bone.  ;-)

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