Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Rufus likes it...


And that's what it's all about.  What?  You thought that was the Hokey-Pokey?  Well, yeah, there's that, but we spend a lot of time making sure Rufus is a happy boy.  And, really, he has a delightful disposition.

In our new site, he was anxious to look around.  I took him on several walks and he spent time with Joan on the patio.  I would say the boy likes to be outside, but he really likes to be where we are.  He made some new friends while walking around, including a couple who said they have a cat in their 5th wheel (one of 3 and a dog) "who looks just like Rufus!"

"If that is the case, you have a really handsome cat!"  No doubt, they are just as biased as I am.  They were fascinated that Rufus walks on a leash.  He tends to put on a good show if anyone is watching... they don't see when I am just standing there for what seems like forever while he plops down and just enjoys looking around.

Speaking of just looking around, last night Rufus spent time with Joan on the patio... she took this photo of him...

The boy is a poser.  And, he really likes the new chair we got for him.  He is happy on this new site... he's a good boy.  :-)


Earl49 said...

Two signs at the building supply place: “bison - high capacity assault cows”. And “Does your pet think it is weird that you have so many pictures of him sleeping?”

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

I have plenty of respect for the buffalo - we saw plenty of stupid people behavior around them when we worked in Yellowstone and the Tetons. I don't have that many photos of Rufus sleeping - he is way cuter when he's awake. But... he's... well, you know. ;-)