Friday, August 12, 2022

The Big Furry Boy...


Yesterday, after the sun went behind the hills and the temp cooled off a bit, the 3 of us went out for some patio time.  I took Rufus for a walk.  I had my DSLR out, waiting for the full moon, and decided to get a few Rufus photos, because... not only is he a good boy, but he is a handsome boy, too.  Here are a few...

 Yes, I am probably biased... but I think he is a regal looking feline.

We watched rabbits play in that same grassy area.  They didn't seem bothered by Rufus, but they did keep a little distance.  At one point there were 5 of them; I got this shot with two of them, just chillin'...


Yep - there it is!

I took a real camera with me on my ride this morning.  By "real camera," I mean a device whose only purpose is to take photographs.  It's not a phone or an internet device or a weather forecaster or a timepiece or an e-mail retriever.  It is used to take photos.  That's it.

However, it does have a tele-zoom lens on it, and it kicks ass on any phone camera.  I stopped at the top of the hill where I particularly enjoy the view...

Yep, there it is, just a bit right of center: Mt Rushmore...

No other photos, just enjoying the ride.  I got out about an hour later than yesterday, and thought I'd run into more traffic... not much.  I was behind a Terrain with Minnesota plates for a short time, but they pulled off at the first available spot to let me get around.  There were three photo places taking photos of bikes on Iron Mountain Road as they went by.  Less traffic in Keystone.  As many cars as bikes on Hwy 16.  I would say the Rally is winding down.

I haven't heard any estimates of the number of people visiting, yet.  If I had to guess, I would say the crowd is smaller than last year.  Still, a lot of people here.


On the scooter forum where I still participate (I am the co-owner of an Xmax), I made this post about the Rally...

With today being Friday, the Sturgis Rally will wrap up in a couple days. There are plenty of people who stay around after the Rally to be able to enjoy the riding when it isn't so crowded. The numbers will be steadily dwindling from here, though. My riding partner (spousal unit) told me she'd rather not ride while the Rally is on, so I'll get my Honey riding with me again in a few days.

As you could tell from the videos I posted this week, a made a couple runs to and through Sturgis. I enjoy the chaos that is Main Street... as long as I don't have to be in it, and can ride away from it when I've had my fill. The RV resort where we stay (about 40 miles from Sturgis) gets a good number of out-of-state members (it is a membership RV resort) who come during the Rally... this is a family oriented resort with "quiet hours" that are enforced; certainly not the rowdy situation that is the Buffalo Chip or the other Rally campgrounds (essentially a mowed down field) that are only open during the Rally. Easy access to the good riding in the Hills, with nice amenities.

I know there are folks on this forum who have been to the Sturgis Rally, and plenty of others who wouldn't do this event. I hope you've enjoyed a bit of the look-around on Main Street, which is really a small portion of what makes up the Rally. Our first experience with the Rally was in 1978 and we've done it about 35 of the 45 years since, at least in some part. Yes, it is mostly Harley riders. No, they don't beat you up or kick your bike over if it isn't a Harley. In fact, the 4 years I rode to Sturgis with the Vespas, I got plenty of thumbs-up and waves. I am essentially invisible on the CTX... just another bike that isn't a Harley.


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