Thursday, June 20, 2024

Happy Summer Solstice Day...


If you're thinking of getting me something for this special occasion, I think I would look good in a 2024 Jaguar F-Type.  I was behind one at a stoplight yesterday.  That was real purdy.  Red would be my first choice.

Apparently, summer is here.  I can tell that because the predicted high for today is 114º.  This will be the longest day of the year, according to the weasels.  Checking into it, all days are the same length: 24 hours.  To be more accurate, this will be the day with the most daytime hours.  So, the sun can bake you to a crackly crunch here in the desert.  Hiking trails in all the local parks are closed.  No, I wasn't planning a hike, anyway.

I did my Feed Me Guy duties this morning, for Murph and Steph's brood.  With the outside temp at 78º first thing this morning, it was a good time to get Murphy some outdoor time.  It is going to be too hot later for his little paws, even after sunset; well, his paws are that little.

Murph was a bit concerned this morning...


"Where did all our stuff go?"

That stretch of gravel to the left in the above photo has been filled with lawn ornaments (gravel ornaments?), potted plants, and twinkling lights.  Looks pretty bare right now; Joan has been putting stuff away in preparation of heading out.  I already miss all the fun stuff out there, especially the lights as evening sets in.

No, I didn't get a ride in this morning.  I have an appointment with a new doctor.  I'm hoping this guy will have more of a pleasant bedside manner than the guy I had in Texas.  Joan urged me to go in there with a good attitude... "Moi?  I'm a ray of sunshine.  Just don't try to schedule me for a bunch of tests I don't need since I have good insurance."  We'll see how it goes.  This is supposed to be a "wellness visit" and some discussion.

In continuing Murphy content: Joan brought his catio inside last night.  Out in our yard, he hasn't used the catio much.  Inside, it is a whole new plaything.  And just now, with all that stuff inside it, he has chosen to sit on top of it...

He is a sweet boy... a bit weird at times, but sweet.


Back from the doctor...

So, how did it go?  Thanks for asking... one of the best medical visits ever!  Of course, I am healthy going into it.  The front desk people are friendly and efficient.  For the first couple minutes, I was the only one in the waiting room and then one other guy came it.  They got me into an exam room ahead of schedule and the nurse started with me right away.  Lots of questions, blood pressure and blood oxygen checks, a memory test (yes, I passed): the nurse gave me 3 words to remember and repeat back to her - "captain, gardening, photograph"... no, I hadn't told her what I did for a living prior to that.

My weight was only one pound different from our scale at home (that's a first).  Instead of an exam table, you are seated in an exam chair (which is actually comfortable).  She logged all my "maintenance meds" and asked questions.  Then the doctor came in.  He, too, was friendly and efficient.  He checked my heart and lungs, asked more questions.  I told him of my concerns about my previous doctor in Texas who just seemed hell-bent on running unnecessary tests.  He said, "This is about how you want things to go.  Some patients want me to tell them what to do, I prefer a discussion.  It's your body and health - you can say no at any time.  Feel free to question me about anything we discuss.  I'll make recommendations, you and I will discuss it, and we'll do what you want."  And that's the way it played out.

They took blood, urine, and scheduled me for a telephone call to discuss the results.  I didn't feel rushed and there was no "sitting around, waiting for someone to come into the exam room."  I got the prescriptions the way I requested, and it was all smooth and easy.  Yep, a real good experience.



The air quality is crap: our view of the mountains is diffused with a brown haze.  Alas, we had to make a trip out: first to Ace Hardware to look for some rubber spacers to fit on the top case rack on Joan's bike; I am thinking we will need her bike as our "grocery hauler" and it is already set up for a top case.  Ace didn't have exactly what we were looking for, but something close enough after some Dremel modification.

Then, on to Fry's to leave off a prescription and pick up a few groceries.  Oh, and did I mention: it is 111º at 1:30?  With a hot breeze.  Add to that the crappy air quality (smoke, blowing dirt?), and it is seriously unpleasant to be out in that.  We got what we needed and got ourselves home.  112º.  Yeah, brutal.

If someone says, "It's a dry heat," I'm gonna smack 'em upside the head.


Earl49 said...

The yard does look weird being so bare now. Murphy is cute, sitting on his catio indoors. Cat -- they do what they want, regardless of our wishes or sensitivities. I hope he is a good traveler in the RV, but I suspect he will be, as long as he is with you two.

Solstice.... as we used to say in Alaska, "The days are now getting shorter, so we must party NOW". Winter is coming.

88° today and heading for triple digits on Saturday. Oh Yay (sarcastic deadpan tone). At least we had one nice day in Weiser this week. Boise is only about 60 miles north of the Nevada border, so we tend to have desert weather.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - Nekkid, the yard looks nekkid. Joan has done so much with the yard since we had the landscaping done... we both (and Murphy) like to spend time out there when it isn't as hot as the Gates of Hell.

We have taken Murph for car rides occasionally, and took him to the motorhome once, but not driving in it. The boy has been pretty adaptable, so I am hopeful that it won't freak him out.

The shorter days thing hadn't much much of an issue when we were in south Texas. When we were in the Pacific Northwest, the amount of daylight hours this time of year was nice... I wouldn't want to be there in December, though.

So much of the country is having hotter than normal temps... 114º for a high today, 116º tomorrow. That is stinkin' hot!

Stay cool!