Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Where'd They Go?


This blog isn't just about riding, although that is a pretty strong pull for me these days.  I get out on one of the bikes almost every morning.  As we get into the summer season here, getting out early is better.  Even in the heat, the ride is refreshing.  Yeah, the cooling vest doesn't hurt.  ;-)

On today's ride, the South Mountain Park and Preserve (where the good twisty roads are) was as empty of people as I've ever seen it.  It has generally been quieter on Tuesdays and Wednesdays when I ride there, but this was surprisingly devoid of traffic.  I passed 3 people on bicycles when I rode up the mountain; one car going the other way.  When I got to the Gila Valley Overlook, there were two guys with bicycles sitting in the shade of one of the two covered tables.  That was it.  In a Mountain Park in a city of nearly 4 million people.

I enjoyed some ice water, then continued my ride.  I rode up past the Dobbins Overlook (that looks north over downtown and most of the Valley).  There was one vehicle - a city truck.  No Native Americans selling jewelry, no people looking at the views.  No other cars in the parking area.  I have never seen that before.  And this wasn't because it was SO early: I didn't leave the house until around 8:00.  It was warm, but about the same as it has been for the last week or so.

Coming back down the mountain, I passed two of the bicyclists I had seen on the way up.  A couple other cars coming up the mountain.  No hikers.  No idea why so few people today.

I stopped for gas on the way home.  The gas cap went on first try.  The bike got 87.5 mpg on this tank.  88 mpg on the previous tank.  The Burgman continues to impress me.


Yep, it was hot; got to 104º today.  It is supposed to get to 110º or higher (as in: 113º) for next 3 days.  The Park/Preserve where I like to ride is closing their trails from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (all public trails in the Phoenix Park System) for at least the next three days.  They have a standing policy of "no dogs on the trailer when the temperature gets to 100º or higher."

I made pork chops and salmon on the griddle around 5:30... it was still 102º.  It felt it.  Murphy wanted to go outside, but we kept him in air conditioned comfort until 7:15 or so.  I went out and felt the pavers (not hot to the touch - they are in the shade by that point), then let him out.  The furry boy likes to roam around the yard, doing his part to keep America safe for democracy.

I was looking him over as he walked around, to make sure he didn't show any signs of overheating.  He was happy just being out there.  He is still a bundle of energy, but I am seeing a subtle change in his physique: he has gone from scrawny to muscular.  He has filled in a bit, but you (well, me) can see he looks more muscular through the shoulders.

I got this photo of him with my phone when he settled in for a short time...


Earl49 said...

That is a wonderful portrait of Murphy. We have gotten "that" shot of all of our kitties - the one that captured their personality.

I leave for banjo camp in Weiser tomorrow, after picking up one of the instructors at the airport at lunchtime. The forecast is mid to upper 90's each day, but the sleeping rooms have AC (allegedly). It will definitely be shorts weather. It is often over 100° for the fiddle festival, in the same place but two weeks form now. That is not much fun for camping and daytime outdoor jams.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - thanks for the kind words for Murph's photo. Not always easy to get that shot - the boy is so "alert" that he sometimes looks surprised. ;-) He keeps an eye on everything that is going on. I call him my "cute boy"... definitely different from Rufus's "ruggedly handsome" looks.

Have fun at "band camp." Sounds like a "hot time!"

Mark Devers said...

Hi Jim, I really enjoy reading your blogs and having started at the beginning am presently in the year 2012. I purchased a 2022 Burgman 200 and a Corbin seat like yours in late April and put about 300 miles on it so far. I presently am getting 67.5 miles per gallon. Hopefully after more miles the gas mileage will get better.

I to am a cat person having 2 of my own Merle and Chrissy and enjoyed reading about your adventures with Molly in your book Cat on a leash. Murphy is a very beautiful looking cat.
Keep on bloging and i'll catch up someday....

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Mark - Welcome aboard; seems we have some interests in common. I'm guessing your fuel mileage will improve as you get more miles on your Burgman; with each new scoot we've owned, after 1,000 miles or so, they seem to open up: with fuel mileage and performance picking up. I'm averaging about 80 mpg on the Burgman, but that is mostly in-town and mountain curves riding. It drops from that when I get it out on the highway. I have about 2,600 miles currently on the B200.

Glad you enjoyed the book. Molly was a special girl... each of our cats have been family, all very different personalities. Are Merle and Chrissy a bonded pair? We've only ever had one cat at a time.

If you're up to 2012, that was our first year with the whale watch business; and living on our boat in Friday Harbor.

Thanks for checking in and leaving a comment!