Monday, August 19, 2024

Even if you're paranoid...


... that doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.  Yeah, I'm talking about Mother Nature.  We had a good ride yesterday.  It rained a couple hours after we got back to the coach.  It's a theme, this rain thing.  It rained off and on all night.  Off and on through this morning, as well.

Here's a shot of the weather radar from this morning...

That is the skinniest little bit of a line of rain, extending from northwest to southeast... it is moving southeast.  We are the blue dot.  Yes, that means the length of that line will run right over the top of us, while anything 20 to 30 miles either side of us is in the clear.  An anomaly?  I think not.


With the occasional rain this morning, I was able to get yesterday's ride video done...

It is a narrated ride video, shot with the DJI Osmo Action 4 camera, rather than the 360 cameras I use most often.  The DJI Mic 2 makes the voice over easy to add.


Around noon, Joan got a notification that a package we were expecting had been delivered to the office here.  I went to pick it up...

The previous Lexin communicators we have in our helmets have been causing some issues: a crackling noise in Joan's earpieces and a microphone that has been shorting out in mine.  We can't complain - these units have lasted for 5 years and have seen a lot of use, and not always handled gently.  These MTX communicators are the newer model; I plan to get them installed to day and we'll see how they work.


The new communicators are installed on two of our helmets.  I knocked out that half hour job in only minutes... well, about 180 minutes.  The thing that took the longest was getting the mount for the communicator installed on my Schuberth helmet.  Only took 5 full installs.  The wiring (well, routing the wiring) was pretty straight forward, except once again on my Schuberth... there is a wire that has to fit in a channel on that helmet, and it was a bugger getting the wiring to fit around that.  Joan's helmet only took about 20 minutes, including removing the old communicator.

Then, testing them out.  No doubt the neighbors thought we were weird as we walked around outside saying, "Can you hear me?  How does this sound?"  Even though it is only the two of us using these, the mesh technology allows for up to 24 people to be connected (I can't imagine what that would sound like??).  These turn on faster, connect to each other faster, they're supposed to have a longer range and battery life... but I'll need to determine the sound quality once we can get out on the bikes (tomorrow).  Everything I've read about these says the sound quality is better - I always liked how our old communicators sounded; if we hadn't worn them out, I would have stayed with those.

I mentioned I installed these on two of our helmets... Joan has one helmet, I have two.  I have been switching helmets depending on whether we are riding together or I am going out solo.  I will be retiring the older of my two helmets.  I'm still trying to convince Joan that she needs a new helmet - they don't last forever; most of the info on helmets says to replace them after 5 years.  I'm also trying to convince her to go with a modular helmet (full face) to replace her 3/4 helmet.


Earl49 said...

That radar image reminds me of my in-laws and their RV. All the way up to Alaska and back to the Lesser 48, it was like a rain cloud followed them along the Al-Can Highway. It was uncanny and consistent.

Nice new refrigerator delivered and cooling, and lawn mowing is set for Wednesday sometime. We're heading about 20 miles west for one band's final summer concert this evening, and then another community band that Alice is in has their finale in a park downtown on Wednesday evening. She leaves on yet another flute adventure on Saturday for a full week. The girl gets around....

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

I can relate to that "cloud following" thing. While we've had a lot of rain this summer, we've managed to avoid the severe weather... I probably should not have written that.

Glad to hear the lawn guys have you on the schedule... and that you'll be able to enjoy a cool one from the new fridge. Alice does get around; after the transition of your business, maybe she'll take you along... but then, who would take care of the kitties? Pretty sure we bought that first motorhome decades ago so Smoke the cat could travel with us. Just saying. ;-)

Earl49 said...

We have an A-liner camper and a V8 F150 to pull it. I'm not real confident in my ability to handle hook ups these days, and since the knee replacements I'm not able to get on the ground for maintenance work any more. Actually I CAN get down (once and not gracefully) but it is a one-way trip.

We cannot ever travel together again while Duke is alive. He needs humans and daily meds, and I have little faith in his ability to travel. It is the nature of this beast and a fact of our life. He goes from mellow fellow to furry chainsaw in an eye blink. Even wearing his jacket and on a leash in our backyard he is always on red alert.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

We do what we need to do for the furry family members. I understand that "blink of an eye" situation... Murph is fast, agile, and strong. And not intimidated by his humans. We put him in his carrier on the first day out (even if we've been down for a few days)... it's easier than playing the "What was that noise?" game.

I remember talking about your A-liner. And since the new hip, if I have to get down on the ground or floor, I look for something to boost myself to get up again. I remember the days of being able to stand right up... ah, the good ol' days. ;-)