Thursday, August 22, 2024

We be rolling again...


We unhooked and hit the road this morning.  Bright sunshine and a cool start to the day: 55º!  Murphy settled in inside his carrier; Joan had drinks ready for us - heading west, then south, it was 2-lane roads for much of the morning...

 The crew...

We got on the Interstate near Fayatteville, heading south to I-40.  Once into Oklahoma, we stopped at a rest area - first that I've seen one that has a separate RV parking area...

It was nice to not have a loud semi parked right next to us.  Joan made us some lunch, while I fed Murphy.  A few rolling hills in Oklahoma before things flattened out...

Not a lot of traffic.  Then, an "old school" stop for fuel...

Yes, we frequently stop a Flying J, Pilot, and Loves; the older Flying Js have separate RV lanes.  I appreciate that.

We made reservations along the way at a KOA in Choctaw, OK.  When I let Steph know where were are stopped for the day, she asked if that is where Blake Shelton is from... I have no idea, but I told her: "Blake says, 'Hey!'"

We are in another tree shaded site...

Murphy has been walking good in the nicely landscaped, grassy sites in Harrison, AR (in the Ozarks); I was anxious to see how he'd do here, where it is more wooded with gravel and sand.  I'd say he's fine with exploring...

Murph does not "love" the camera the way Izzy and Rufus did, but he puts up with it.

It was good to get off the road early enough in the day to get Murph out for a nice walk.  We also took the time to search out RV parks for the next couple nights.

I saw brochures for two different pizza places when I checked in at the office here.  The nice lady at the office said, "Domino's is only 3 miles away and they will deliver right to the porch here."  Joan ordered it on-line, followed the progress, and let me know when to head to the office.  Less than 2 minutes after I got there, my new buddy Marshall showed up with our pizza and garlic bread knots... "You must be Marshall," I said... "Are you James?"  I was back to the coach about two minutes later, with the pizza and knots still hot.  We were still in the Tropical Tip the last time we had Dominos.  Tasty!

And Murphy will get another walk in before we all call it a night.


Earl49 said...

Sounds like a good travel day, and glad to hear that Murphy is getting with the program.

AK is Alaska. AR is Arkansas. As you well know, AZ is Arizona. I can't tell you how many salesmen called me in Alaska (usually at 0400, with AK being 4 hours behind Eastern Time) and asked about the weather there in Arkansas. Alice leaves on her big road trip to Monterey, CA tomorrow morning. Then it is just me and the kitties for nine days.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thank you for correcting my typo, Earl. We did not take the jet to Alaska; we were, indeed, in Arkansas. I know this, because I was starting to pick up a hillbilly accent. That's a joke, Arkansas admirers! I was not picking up a hillbilly accent, even though it was all around us. LOL

Enjoy your last night with Alice around to keep you from being outnumbered... I will check on you from time to time - if one of the cats answers the phone and says you are "indisposed," I will know to have the authorities do a wellfare check on you.