Sunday, September 20, 2020

Ninja Cat!


The neighbor across the street has moved on.  Before he did, he would always comment on "that big cat!"  Yeah, Rufus is a burly boy, but his size seems normal to us, now.  He may be built like a linebacker, but he has the speed of a wide receiver.  This morning while we were out for a walk, something flew by us (probably a small moth), and he went into ninja cat mode - in a nanosecond, he had reeled out his leash length.  Knowing that was coming, I moved as fast as I could (he moves a lot faster than I can) so he wouldn't get jerked by the leash.  He stopped on a dime, rotated, and took the moth out of the air with a big swat.  Then, full speed ahead, another lofty jump, all four feet planted on a tree about three feet up, then back on the ground and a stop.  I guess that last maneuver was a "victory lap."  ;-)

Yesterday, we sat out on the patio for a while.  Time for a stretch before going out...

 Time for some close-ups...

That's his sweet-boy face above.  The tough guy face below...

And, sweet boy again...

I have mentioned the smokey days.  It casts a yellow/brown pall some days and has made for a red sun at sunrise and sunset...

We have been hearing that reservations are above last year for September and October.  When we added this last 9 days, I was told "this site is all that's available."  Not a problem, it's a decent site (they're all good sites here), but this is the view out our dinette window this morning...

That is a lot of empty sites.  Well, except for the site on the other side of us: I think they have 8 or 10 kids.  They didn't stay in their 5th wheel last night, so it was nice and quiet.  We'll see how the next 6 days plays out.

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