Saturday, October 2, 2021

A short ride...


Yes, I got the Vespa out today to run an errand.  The predicted rain didn't happen today - I guess Mother Nature felt she dumped on us enough yesterday.  A new situation: the cargo trailer had water on the floor.

While Joan was out running errands, she picked up some FlexSpray and FlexSeal.  I got up on a ladder, inspecting and sealing around the top of the cargo trailer when... yep, there it is: a slice in the metal that I didn't see before.  A sizeable divot in front of that, making a "basin" that could fill with water, allowing it to leak into the trailer as it continuously filled with the pounding rain.  Yep, I sealed that (and a bunch more).  We'll see how that holds with the next rain... a big chance of that tomorrow.

I did get out for a bicycle ride this morning, dodging giant puddles.  Rusty, our friend that has the storage units, waved me down as I rode by his place.  He told me that he got a call from a friend that had driven by the storage units... and there is a LOT of standing water in that area.  Rusty thought there was a good chance that water may have gotten above the door sills of the storage units.  He was going to out there with his Jeep later today, so we'll wait for word.

I'm not concerned that it would get deep enough to be an issue for the motorhome, but we do have other stuff stored in there, including some stuff on the floor.  This may wind up being the impetus for getting rid of that stuff.

I thought Mother Nature was cutting us some slack after that long drive home.

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