Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Everyone knows it's Windy...


If you said, "The Association, 1967," you get 30 bonus points.  If you said, "The typical weather condition in the Tropical Tip," you got that right, but no bonus points.

Yes, it's another windy day here.  I really appreciate the pedal assist on my e-bike when riding on a windy day: the effort into the gusty wind (21 gusting to 30 right now) is about the same as riding with the wind.  It makes for a consistent effort.

One of us, and I won't mention his name but it's Rufus, doesn't like the wind.  He especially doesn't like the wind blowing on his hind end.  And walking into the wind, he gets that dramatic "Nanook of the North" look on his face.  I made him stay outside long enough to get him off the landing at the front door and do a once around the house...


That is his "I'm not happy about this" face.  You can see where the fur on his side and neck is getting moved around in the wind.  But, the boy needs to get his exercise.  Me, too.

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