Sunday, October 17, 2021



Glorious!  But, if you said, "The song written by Van Morrison and performed by his band Them in 1964," you get 50 bonus points.  If you said, "That song made famous in the United States by Shadows of Knight in 1965 (yeah, same song)," you get another 25 bonus points.  If you said, "The song that every garage band played in that era," you don't get any bonus points, but I'm giving you a head-nod.

It is a glorious day in the Tropical Tip.  It was 72º when I got up before 7:00 am.  The north wind is down to the mid-teens.  The humidity is 57%; that is considered "dry" here.  I put on a long sleeve shirt for my morning bicycle ride; didn't even work up a sweat.

Later in the morning, I took the Vespa for a ride; got to wear one of my armored mesh jackets.  Back in the Tropical Tip, I wore the one with high-vis yellow/green.  No one cut me off, pulled out in front of me, or passed me in my lane... one in a row!

Joan didn't feel like a ride today.  What?  No, I don't understand that, either.  She was geared up to clean off the gummy residue left on the roof of the CR-V when the dealer pulled all the Gorilla Tape off to replace the sunroof.  $6 worth of Goo Gone, some elbow grease, and then a follow up with soap and water made the roof look... well, I was going to say "Good," but it is still dented, just doesn't look like the car was being held together with tape.  Another step towards less embarrassing.

Early afternoon, it is all the way up to 75º - we may do some time on the deck.  Like real people.  Real people and a big furry cat.  Rufus enjoys deck time, too.



Earl49 said...

We just finished an afternoon backyard jam, probably the last this year. 74 degrees and sunny, so the back porch was wonderful. Two Emerald guitars, one violin, and Alice’s bass flute. I invited more but they were no-shows. Buddy enjoyed rubbing ankles and then making laps of “his” yard. A good afternoon for all.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

That sounds fun, Earl. It has been a while since I've had the opportunity to play with anyone in person; I miss it. On the bright side, I do get all of Rufus's attention when I'm playing. Because... well, you know. ;-)