Tuesday, October 19, 2021

So, the doctor said...


Yeah, a doctor's appointment today.  Fasting before I went in, so they can do blood work.  I was there early, they took me into the exam room right at my appointment time.  The nurse came in, took my blood pressure, and asked me all kinds of personal questions.  She left, a few minutes later, the doctor came in.  He looked, poked, listened, looked some more, we talked about the prostate cancer/surgery situation (he is my internist, not the surgeon/urologist - that visit comes up again in December), and when he was done, he said, "Well, you're in good shape."

I waited.  No, he did not say, "For a man your age."  I'll take that.

A few minutes more and they were taking some blood for tests so they can bill Medicare.  In terms of most of my medical appointments, this was kinda like you think they should go... not the way they usually go.

From there, we had some errands to run since we were in "the big city."  The other big task for the day: out to our storage unit to stick down more FlexTape (yes, up on the roof of the motorhome), and shoot photos and videos for the insurance company (since the adjuster they sent out in August couldn't find his ass with both hands and a funnel).  With that done, we took the motorhome to a shop for the annual state inspection - yes, it passed... they don't look at damage; mostly just make sure lights work.  From there to the gas station, where the motorhome swallowed up over $100 of fuel.  Gas is now $2.99.  Makes me grit my teeth.  If we need to bug out in a hurry, the motorhome is reasonably ready to go.  

I, on the other hand, am worn out again.  Pretty sure I'll be having ass cramps again tomorrow.  When I was done with the additional taping, I had to stand slowly and get feeling back into my legs again before climbing down the ladder.  A lot of kneeling.  Just another chore to get done... "for a man my age."  ;-)

I think we are making progress.


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