Saturday, October 30, 2021

At the car wash, yeah...


If you said, "Rose Royce, 1976," you get 100 bonus points.  If you said, "Is Jim washing the Equinox?" you are, once again, right on, but no bonus points.

We bought some Rain-X car wash liquid - it is supposed to "dry without wiping down and no spots."  They lied.  It didn't just spot, it water-spotted worse than when I've used baby shampoo to clean our vehicles.  Instead of using a long-handled miracle cloth type scrubber and a rinse, it was a long-handled scrubber, rinse, then rinse some more, then wipe it down with a miracle cloth, then wipe it down again.

I was thinking I'd roll the scoots out and wash them, too, but after doing the Equinox, I was a hot mess.  Not the sexy kind.  Joan brought me out some ice water as I was finishing the car (I'm going to call this crossover SUV "a car") - just what I needed.

I abided by our policy of "one task per day."  I'll get to the scoots another day.  ;-)


Bob said...

I recently sold my 2000 Nissan Frontier to the guy who bought our little horse ranch in California. Never washed it once. My theory on work trucks in particular and most vehicles to boot is that if you never wash or worse yet wax them, they quickly develop a protective "patina" and when you do go to sell (it took me 21 years in this case), a quick pass or six with cutting compound and some cheapo wax will get her looking like new. Also, I believe that dirty vehicles get better gas mileage, less traffic tickets, and are so fowl that no one will steal them. Cap climbing up ladders just to get bug guts (the worlds best camouflage and paint protector - especially the yellow guts ones) off all his rigs over the last five or six decades gives me the hiccups. I have been here a few years so it has been the same for the C-25,Big Red, the 5th wheel, the CRV, the cargo trailer, the Tracker, and even I am afraid, poor Rufus!!! Jim, if you want, you can give up this bad habit now that you get "Old Age Pay" and for sure you can ditch all the necessary gear or give it to the Blonde to store with her window screening kit and home repair roll around tool box. Bob in Nevada

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Bob. Sorry I missed this comment when you first posted it. I have long thought that car manufacturers should make paint out of bug guts - that stuff sticks! I do try to keep our stuff looking good. I washed the motorhome the other day and had to take ibuprofen so I could move the next day... you may be on to something. ;-)