Friday, October 29, 2021

It's National Cat Day...


... in the United States.  A day to give special attention to the feline in the family.  Or, as we call it in our household: everyday

Rufus this morning...

"It's your special day, Ruf!"  As you can see from his expression, he is less than impressed.  But... he is such a good boy!


A few minutes later (after a morning treat), he's very excited...


Earl49 said...

According to our two resident cats (and the two strays that warily come in to eat at night) EVERY day is National Cat Day. Our house is like a feline Disneyland. Even our unheated shop in the backyard has a cat flap so strays can take shelter from the weather, but no food or water out there. One stray is a little tamer and he will sleep in my second office chair during cold winter nights. The other one has not yet figured out that the "big scary guy" is a bringer of food.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl. By any measure, you are a big guy, but "scary"?? Yes, I know some cats can be very skittish... but, you remind me somewhat of Rufus: you're a good boy! ;-) A good big boy. A big good boy? And I know what a soft spot you have in your heart for felines... there's a lot of that going around.

Earl49 said...

Awww shucks.... Happy Halloween to all there in the Tropical Tip. We'll pass on trick-or-treat tonight as we have massages scheduled and won't be home until about 7:30. By then, most of the few kids we get will have come and gone.

We are having some nice weather for a few days. The kitties are enjoying that respite after a few cold and rainy days. The politically incorrect like me would call it "Indian Summer" (I'm supposedly 1/8 Cherokee, so I claim the use of the phrase without any apology). I was able to ride the mower yesterday in a t-shirt while bagging up leaves and filling every container that we have. There are more leaves left but nothing to do until Wednesday when our trash barrels are emptied.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Not much in the way of small kids on this island, but the grown-ups will be doing a "trick or drink" event with their golf carts. No, I won't be participating.

I really enjoy this time of year, whatever you call it... it was 72º when I got up this morning, a high of 82º for the day, sunny, and very light breeze. No mower-time for me, either - the HOA takes care of the lawns. Not much in the way of leaves with palm trees. ;-)