Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mothers Day!


If you are here to read this, you can thank a teacher and your Mother.  Yeah, we all had a Mother.  That person who birthed you, cared for you, kept you alive to this point.  And, we set aside one day a year to thank them?

I am married to a great Mom.  Yes, I played a part in getting her that Mother title, but she is the cornerstone of our family.  Stephanie is fortunate to have that caring, loving, sometimes tough woman to guide her to become the great woman she is in her own right.  And Rufus - yes, he has a great Cat Mom... the woman takes care of the "back end" duties, brushes him, makes sure I always have food to feed him (front end duties), trims his nails, and often hands me paper towels when I have to clean up cat barf (front end duties).  Rufus is one fortunate feline.  Those women who take care of the furry members of our families are Moms... because the caring, nurturing thing isn't just for those who gave birth.

It was just over 11 years ago I lost my Mother.  She was there when I took my first breath; I was there when she took her last.  Take the time today to hug a great Mom... because without them, none of us would be here.


I made breakfast for the Mom in our household... bacon, sausage, ham, hashbrowns, and eggs.  I think I'm getting the knack of this griddling stuff; didn't burn anything and it all came out hot and done at the same time.  Of course, I couldn't do it without my Honey doing the prep work.

I gave her a 12-string concert... until she pulled out her iPad to look up the most popular 12-string songs... I already knew about half of them... and hadn't heard of most of the others.  This is like being a kid again, and playing 'till my fingers can't take it anymore.  But, I am enjoying it.


I was looking for this photo today, but couldn't find it on my computer...

And then, Steph posted it on her Facebook feed.  This one just melts my heart.  Thanks to my sweet girl for reading my mind and posting it.

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