Sunday, May 22, 2022

Lost dog...


No, we didn't get a dog.  Rufus is quite happy being the one and only furry family member.

I was out washing the Equinox this morning, when a couple in a golf cart pulled up and asked, "Have you seen a Pomeranian running loose?"

I told them "No," but that we would keep our eye out.  I asked what color (black) and the name (PomPom) and where they were in the resort.  When they said the lot number, Joan knew that it was a rental.

It made us both think back to the time we took Smoke (our first cat) out for our first weekend out in the first motorhome we bought.  We went to a campground about 100 miles from home... everything was going fine until we realized that Smoke was nowhere to be found.  We looked all over the motorhome - "Maybe she got out when I went to get ice?"  We started our search of the campground.  Within a few minutes, we learned about the comradery (at that time) among RVers: an army of volunteers were searching all over the campground with us.  No, we didn't find her.  As it grew dark, the worry compounded:What if we don't find her? What if she wandered into the nearby woods?

A lady came to our site and asked if we found Smoke.  When we said we hadn't, she said, "You need to get a flash light and look in every nook and cranny in your motorhome - do you look up under the dash?"

I got a flashlight and when I shined it up under the dash, I saw a pair of glowing eyes.  "She's here!"  That may have been the first time I realized that I was a "cat person," and that Smoke wasn't a pet, she was family.  Prior to that, I considered myself "the feed-me guy"... from that point on, I was a Cat-Dad and protector.

I continued the car washing.  As people drove by, I waved and asked if they had seen a Pomeranian... several said, "We're looking for PomPom, too."  Pretty much like our experience over 30 years ago.

As I was picking up my car washing stuff (it took a long time - with the wind we've had, the car was really dirty), Joan saw a golf cart go by and shouted to me: "That couple just went by with PomPom in their golf cart!"  Apparently, Security found the pooch and contacted the people.  My heart was lifted by that news.  And by the fact that other people cared.

Just when you think that people suck... all it takes is a furry family member to remind folks about the importance of humanity.


On edit: it's my fault... I washed the car.

A 10% chance of precip this afternoon; that cell just west of the blue dot (us) is coming this way.  Of course.  On the bright side, PomPom is back with his family.


One last edit: while I was out making chicken breast sandwiches on the griddle, it rained.  Oh, well; we need the moisture.  Hopefully, it will keep down the blowing sand and dirt.

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