Monday, April 1, 2024

Murphy has really calmed down...


Like flipping a switch - I guess he decided to leave those kitten crazies behind.  He comes when I call him, snuggles up on my lap, and doesn't jump up on the kitchen counter anymore.  It's a complete turn-round.

Yeah... April Fools.

We chased him off the kitchen counter about a dozen times this morning.  He will look you right in the eye after jumping down, look all innocent, and say, "What?  I couldn't help it - the Devil made me do it."  That was a cute excuse the first 30 or 40 times.

In between the rainfall, I took him outside this morning.  He did stop to visit Steph and Dan's boys...


That is Alfie in the front and Tango in the back.  Murphy would like to get together with Tango, but we are giving them a couple days apart... Murph's mouth has some scuffs on the outside of it, probably from Tango kicking him in the face... yes, in self-defense.  Murphy generally starts things, but Tango is not shy about retaliating.

Murph did several laps around the yards.  Then, back inside before the rain started again.

Yes, I kinda wanted to get out on the scoot today to put some miles on the new seat.  But, that doesn't bother me at all... yeah, April Fools, again.

Joan asked me if I wanted to go to PetSmart and Walmart with her... "Oh, I don't know..."

She said, "I was thinking of HamburgerMart for lunch."


"Five Guys.  Get it?  To go with PetSmart and Walmart?"

"Yeah, I'm in!"

It rained on us on the way there, but stopped by the time we stopped for lunch.  And stayed decent while we shopped.  I had to run the wipers once on the way home, but it wasn't raining while we unloaded.  Mother Nature's way of saying, "April Fools"?

While the rain started up again, I spent some time in my music room.  Deciding which guitar and amp to take tomorrow for music with the guys.

I did go sit on my new scooter seat in the garage.  Like a kid who gets a new bike at Christmas and it is snowing outside.  But, I'm fine.  Really.


I Couldn't Take It...

By 4:30, the clouds were beginning to break - bits of blue sky appearing.  I fed Murphy a few minutes early and took the scoot out for a ride.  Joan offered to break down the box the new seat came in while I was out in the garage, gearing up.  I mentioned that there was a backrest from the Corbin seat on the CTX in that overhead storage.  And I was off.

I rode far enough to get to some highway speeds.  Yeah, the new seat is good!  I stopped to take a couple photos...

 Gray clouds over the mountains to the southwest above, a nice 3/4 view of the bike below...

 When I got back, Joan had put away the old seat and had the backrest out for me to try...

No, it isn't an exact match, since it was made by Corbin for the CTX... but, it fits since the mounting for the backrest is the same for both seats, and it has the same stitch pattern.  I gave it a "test sit" in the garage to see if the fit was good... seems so... but another ride would verify that.  So, after the half hour or so I rode before, I added another 15 minutes, focusing on the backrest.  To get the most out of it, I have to slide back in the seat - that will be decent for highway riding, but I like to sit forward a bit more in town or in the twisties.  I can't use the backrest on the CTX because it would be in the way of throwing a leg over - that isn't an issue with the B200 since it has that step-through area.  Corbin gets an extra $345 for that backrest, so it's good to have a use for it.

I got a ride in, and that ain't no April Fools!


Earl49 said...

You had me going with Murphy for a bit there. Good one!

I just finished sitting on the back porch at 70° playing guitar at Duke and the sunny backyard for ~90 minutes. It was the Rainsong APSE's turn today. I may finally be getting caught up with that four letter word again (w***). I have barely touched a guitar since we played together two weeks ago. Easter was my only day off since I started the trip south to PHX.

Glad that the new Corbin seat is working out for you. I was really happy with my Russell Day Long saddle on the Gold Wing. There have been some miles ridden on Corbin's on Wings owned by friends, and they are good saddles too.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - Glad to hear you found some light at the end of that work tunnel. Sometimes that workin' stuff gets in the way of doing what you *want* to do.

Yeah, the new Corbin seat is great - I should have ordered it earlier. After visiting with you about the Russell Day Long, I looked them up - but you have to send them your seat pan... I really didn't want to be without the use of the scoot, so I didn't pursue it further. The Corbin price was a bit of sticker shock - the Russell, ordered in all leather, would be even more expensive. No doubt they are nice, but the Corbin was a known commodity for me, as well.