Tuesday, April 23, 2024

You Can Tell It's A Full Moon...


"By that big round white thing in the night sky?"  Yeah, there is that.

The crazies come out.  Ask anyone who has worked with the public - it's a real thing.  And this morning, around our house, it is a real thing: Murphy Jones is a bundle of wild energy.

Joan was up around 5:00 this morning... I heard her.  Prior to that, I heard Murphy knocking around the shade on our patio door.  I rolled over, but sleep didn't really come back.  By the time I got up at 6:30, Joan had taken Murph outside to let him "blow some steam off", brought in one of his (many) toys on wire arms that he can bat around, fed him (that's usually my job), chased him off the counter (about 20 times) and told him, "No!" a time or twelve when he was clawing at the leather couch as he made laps through the house like a race car on a banked curve.  Joan was on her second cup of coffee.  It wore me out just hearing about it.

Murphy rarely has the "evening crazies"... he saves that for mornings.  And this morning, he was wilder than usual.

You can't tell what's going on there?  That's Murph moving between his many toys, mostly just a blur.

"Settle down, little man!" I tell him...

"I can't help it, Dad - the Devil made me do it!"

It has to be the full moon.


The 4 of us...

"Um... 4?  Did you get another cat?"  OMG - did you read the above?  Music today with Mark and Ron... and Rosco, Ron's dog.  With the 3 of us (the humans) we can get down parts for any new songs before we get the bigger group together.  Part of our routine is a walk from Ron's place to lunch (usually a couple blocks); Rosco gets to go with us, because we intentionally go to a place that is dog friendly, with outside seating.

(photo courtesy of Ron)

We set up in Ron's living room, with mics, mixer, guitars, etc...

It's a nice atmosphere.

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