Monday, April 29, 2024

Insta360 X4


Here's a "movie trailer" with clips from today's ride on the CTX, using the new Insta360 X4.  Another one that will coming to no theater near you!

It may be hard to tell based on the compression that YouTube uses, but this camera has more resolution than the X2 I have been using for almost 3 years now (that is ancient in technology years).

I will be working on a video review for sometime in the future... these 8k files eat up a LOT of memory and take a while to wade through, especially considering I shot 25 files of varying length today.  An hour and a half for the ride; about 45 minutes of video (edited down to just over a minute for the "trailer" above); and 2 1/2 hours to reformat the video to make it "flat" and download.

And, some still photos...

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