Sunday, April 28, 2024

Testing 1, 2, 3...


We spent most of the morning out on the patio.  I made breakfast on the griddle and we ate at the tall table under the shade of one of the umbrellas.  Murphy got to have a lot of outdoor time as well.

I spent some time with the new camera, testing out different settings.  The X4 comes with a set of lens guards, but I can definitely see a slight degradation of the video with those on.  Still, there will be times when it will be good to have those.  After 3 years with the X2, I did get one nick in a lens when out on the motorcycle; I polished it out as best as I could; these lens guards would prevent that.

I shot some video clips, including late afternoon, with the sun right into one of the lenses - worse case scenario; yep, there is some glare from those lens guards.  Here is a short clip of Murphy out walking around...

 Yes, the boy has a bushy tail.

Earlier this afternoon, Tango came over to visit while Joan and I were watching a movie - he and Murphy got some time on Joan's lap...

For full disclosure, Tango hopped up there first... Murph said, "Hey, that's my Momma."

Tango said, "Yeah, well she was my Grandma before she was your Momma."

Joan has two hands for petting and plenty of love to go around.


Earl49 said...

Isn't that adorable? Your sweetie with stereo cats to pet.

Alice is prepping for her band concert tonight two towns over. Then she will have a short break between rehearsals and concerts for a bit.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

I thought it was pretty darn adorable, but I am biased.

Nice that you and the kitties will have Alice there for a while!