Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Is this for me?!


It doesn't need much explanation...

 Yeah, he's a good boy.  :-)


And this is for me.

Rufus is a happy boy.  He wanted to go for a walk just before sunset, and he walked like he did before the "dog incident."  There is a walking path just behind us, and when he saw that, he just strutted down the path.  Tail in the air, walking proud.  He has been somewhat tentative, so I think this change of location gives him a fresh start.

I, too, am a happy boy.  I went for a ride yesterday, before it got so darn hot.  I considered taking the new helmet for a test run, in spite of the heat... but, if you wear it outside, you own it.

This morning, our time was tied up with moving.  After cleaning up, we made a run into town (as evidenced by the Rufus and the PetSmart bag photo above.  After our walk this evening, I changed into some riding pants, put on a jacket (yes, it is cool enough for a jacket this evening), donned the new Schuberth helmet, and gave it a try out on the road.

It has only been 36 hours since I rode last, but it seemed much longer - that ride felt great!  No doubt the cool air and the new helmet had something to do with that.  But, it was real good.

When I got back, I gave Joan a hand putting away the awning sunscreen before the three of us settled in for the evening.  The weasels are predicting two days of rain - this area is in dire need of it.  Joan said, "I'm glad you got a ride in, and that the new helmet works for you.  Come Saturday, we are both going to be in need of some riding!"

She's got that right!

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