Wednesday, August 25, 2021

It has been said: "If two sailboats are going roughly the same direction..."


"It is a race."  Oh, one or the other may pretend that it isn't... but, it is.  Same thing applies to motorcycles and scooters.

We had a great day on the scoots today.  Cool and breezy, with clear blue skies.  Cool enough to wear riding jackets.  Joan said, "How about we ride to Custer, get Black Hills Burgers and Buns, and make it a picnic?"  It took me almost 2/10 of a second to say, "Sounds good to me!"

I got the scoots out, checked tire pressure and oil; Joan had a back-up plan: Jimmy John's sandwiches, just in case there is an issue at BHB&B.  She packed sodas, water, and desserts in a cooler, while I got out helmets and jackets.  I put out my Nolan helmet so we could use our helmet communicators... an issue: her helmet communicator's battery was just about dead.  She asked if I wanted to switch to my new helmet, but I was already geared up.  For the record, she did order a communicator for that helmet - it was supposed to be in on Monday.  Yes, two days ago.  The tracking shows that it went to New Jersey, instead; so, no idea if or when it will be here.

In the meantime: let's ride!  I did hook up a 360 camera with the idea of shooting a few stills along the way, if anything interesting presented itself...

The riding was great - traffic the lightest we've seen since we got here this season!  We stopped in Custer State Park so Joan could place an order on-line for our lunch.  We did see one buffalo, but I didn't have time to get a photo - I was too busy getting all over my brakes because the RV driver in front of us came to an abrupt halt.  The ride through the park was great...

We rolled into Custer, parked the bikes at the County Courthouse, where there are a couple picnic tables on the grounds; and, just across the street from Black Hills Burger & Bun Co...

While Joan got our picnic gear ready, I walked across the street to get our food - ready, right on time!  There was quite a line of people waiting to get seated; this works for us and keeps us out in the fresh air.  I am generally not one to photograph every meal, but I want to remember this one - outstanding!

After lunch, we drove back into the park, with a plan to take the Wildlife Loop.  By this point, I was shooting video, but there wasn't much to see - a few of the begging burros and some antelope.  I don't think I'll do anything with this video, but here are a couple screen grabs...

The antelope...

And, along with the antelope, a grab of this cool Alfa Romeo that was ahead of, then behind us...

After the Wildlife Loop, the battery was about done on my camera... but, we were just getting started.  No photos or video, just the story: making the turn from the east entrance to Custer State Park onto the park road that becomes Iron Mountain Road, behind us: a car and 4 Harleys.

"Do you want to turn up the pace?" I asked Joan.

"Let's go!"

It was apparent that the car and the Harleys were trying to keep up (that sailboat reference in the title).  Before long, the car pulled off to let the bikes get around him... now, it's really on.  The Harleys could start to make up ground on the straight stretches... but, there aren't many straight stretches.  ;-)  It doesn't hurt that we have plenty of experience on this road.  We carved through the curves, ultimately catching up to two more Harley riders.

For those keeping score: 2 in front of us and 4 behind us.  The two in front of us saw us come up fast in their mirrors and put on some speed.  No, they couldn't shake us.  Through the curves, the tunnels, the splits, and the pig-tails... all 8 of us were moving right along.  At one of the pig-tails, where there is a pull out, the two Harleys in front of us pulled off... I could see the look on the first rider's face in my mirror.  If I were to use my mental telepathy, I could see him saying, "A Vespa??"

With those two out of the way, we were able to pick up the pace even more, putting more space between us and the 4 Harleys behind us.  We kept that up until off Iron Mountain Road and onto the short highway into Keystone.  When the speed limit turns to 20mph just outside Keystone, we let off... the couples on the first two Harleys were smiling and waving (and a thumbs up) as they went around us.  I'm going to say a good time was had by all.  :-)

We stopped for gas on the way home... I didn't do as well this time, since I wasn't slowed by riders in front of us: 89mpg.  Joan got 104mpg.  I would like to know the wizardry Yamaha uses to make that Xmax go fast and get more efficient fuel burn!

A truly fun ride today.  Lunch was excellent, the traffic was very light, the weather was a delight, and did I mention the riding?  Fun to "play with the big bikes" on Iron Mountain Road.

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