Thursday, August 19, 2021

When the rain comes...


If you said, "The Beatles, the song 'Rain', 1966, on the B-side of Paperback Writer," you get 20 bonus points, because I asked this music trivia question not too long ago.  Also, a Third Day song (Christian genre) from 2001, which would get you 20 bonus points, as well.

It rained last night.  It let up in the morning, so Rufus was able to get a walk in, and I got a bike ride... only 59º and a cold north wind.  The rain started up again this morning, and really started coming down when we went out for lunch and a trip to Wally World.  I let Joan off at the door at Walmart, then went hunting for a parking spot.  The place was packed.  Looking at some of the people wandering around, I think Walmart was a place to get out of the rain rather than a need to shop.

This area needs the rain.  Last year at this time, everything was still looking green; the hillsides where it isn't wooded are looking more brown this year.  It is supposed to rain off and on into the night, then a solid rain again for most of tomorrow.

We're OK with taking a day or two off from riding and touristing.  I wore long pants today... almost like a grown-up.

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