Thursday, October 7, 2021

That was fast...


The boat sale?  Yeah, but I'm talking about the scoots.  Joan and I took the scoots out for some exercise today.  Since the riding here in the Tropical Tip is a bit less "interesting" than in the Black Hills, we find other ways to entertain ourselves on them... today, we did a few more speed runs.  But first, a photo of our cute selves...

 We were waiting for a barge to go through our bridge, so I had time to kill.  Once through town, the next town, and the next town after that, we had open highway; Joan suggested we do a few roll-on speed runs.  "I'm in!"  If you remember what happened last time we did that: the Xmax walked away from the Vespa.  Well, now I have more miles on the Vespa, the engine has opened up, and I don't have the weight of that front fender (yes, I'm still waiting on word from the dealer)... The Xmax is still faster, but it is much closer.  She never got more than one scooter length ahead of me, and they were quite equal on the initial roll-up.  Joan says she wasn't easing up on the throttle (until we got to 60mph), so I'm trusting her competitive spirit wasn't slacking off for my manly pride.  I'm happy with "close."

We topped off fuel tanks on the way home: she got 104.5 mpg on the Xmax; I got 84 mpg on the Vespa.  That isn't close.

Now, you were asking about the boat - thanks for asking.  Plenty of interest in the ad.  A gentleman I spoke with today said he will take the boat (sight unseen) to buy for his parents.  He seems legit (yes, we did a bit of checking).  We will meet him and his parents tomorrow in a public place to do the deal.  If it all goes as planned, they will be boat owners and we won't.

There is an old saying about "the two happiest days in a boat owner's life: the day he buys the boat and the day he sells it."  We'll see.  I am not feeling any remorse.  There are other interested parties if this doesn't go through.  I guess I have "moved on" - not that I didn't enjoy this boat, just that I don't care to do the work of being a boat owner.  Driving commercial boats was the highlight of my third career... but it left me with wanting to do other things with our free time.  Yes, even after not working for a few years.

We'll see how it all plays out.

Right now, boats are about as scarce as new and used cars.  There is certainly a market.


Bill Leuthold said...

The Xmax gets better mileage, plus it runs on regular.

Big savings....well a couple of dollars a month.

Glad to see you guys out riding.


Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thanks, Bill. Looking forward to some "seasonal changes" when it will be cooler for riding here at home. In the meantime, any riding is better than none. ;-) See you on the forum.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Oh, and with the mileage we get on these scoots, it is pretty darn inexpensive "entertainment." It just galls me that the Xmax is faster AND more fuel efficient than my Vespa. ;-)