Friday, June 10, 2022

Aged out...


Joan and I had a good laugh this morning.  When I got back from my motorcycle ride (the part of my morning ritual that I enjoy the most while here in the Tropical Tip), I told her about an observation: when riding the Vespa, I would frequently get a thumbs up, a wave, or a "Nice Vespa!" comment when at a stop light or in a parking lot... that doesn't happen with the CTX.  Oh, other bikers wave, but it is rare that the civilians (non-riders) acknowledge the bike.  Joan said, "I think your CTX is a great-looking bike, but it doesn't have the cute factor of the Vespa."

Cute factor?  I considered the Vespa to have sexy Italian styling, but I have never bought a bike based on what anyone else might think of it.  Not like I am missing the comments, but I noticed the lack of them compared to when riding the Vespa.

The conversation continued: she said, "You have come full circle."  Frankly, that's how I felt we bought the Honda PCX scooters: they were 150cc, the same size as the Honda Dream I started on when I was a young teen.  With the PCX, I kinda figured that might be my last bike before I was done riding.  We went to those scooters because of my deteriorating hip.  Or as Joan put it: "You aged out of motorcycling."  Yeah, we laughed about that.  She continued, "Most people don't get the chance to come back and get bigger bikes again after that kind of downsizing.  You worked hard after the new hip."

The Vespas were bigger bikes than the PCX.  The CTX is significantly bigger than the Vespa.  I guess I am working back up.  Who knows what the future will bring for my bike riding?

Last night, Mark sent me a couple finished song files, one that he and I have been working on for a while; we're both happy with this finish mix.  Another that he and a friend in Phoenix did, that I added a drum track.  He told me, "Not bad for a couple fossils - that's what we're called now by other musicians in the Craigslist ads."

I told him about Foxes and Fossils, a truly outstanding group of musicians (old guys who sing and play, younger women who sing - great harmony!)... yeah, we old guys can still rock.  Haven't aged out from that, yet.  ;-)


PNW GUY said...

I appear to be on a similar path. 1st bike the 150PCX, now on a Burgman 400, and in the future.......hopefully the 700 DCT.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Not a bad way to go! ;-) That B400 is a very capable scoot. Enjoy the ride!