Thursday, June 16, 2022

We can't be done packing...


... there's still some space left!

The motorhome is compact, but it sure swallows up a lot of stuff.  It is not unusual to take a bunch of clothes and wind up wearing less than half of them.  I tried to be "brutal" (Joan's description) in deciding what to take.  As long as I have plenty of motorcycle gear, I'm good.  Oh, and maybe some socks and underwear.  I decided to leave the tux home - if something formal comes up, I will just politely decline.

Back out to the motorhome today, with the emphasis on getting food onboard and put away; and finish sanitizing the water system.  Back home, we did everything except the just-before-going-out-the-door stuff.  Toiletries, electronics, and pillows.  Rufus's stuff - he has his favorite toys, dishes, litter box, and "lounging pads."  He seemed to be less concerned today - he was very anxious as we were carrying stuff out yesterday.  I have to wonder if he was abandoned before we adopted him.  I don't see any separation anxiety, but he does get a bit "clingy" when we're packing for some lengthy time out.  I did play some guitar for him this morning - if I sit on the couch while playing, he lays beside me with his hip against my guitar... he gets to feel the vibrations as well as hear it... and, yes, the music does seem to soothe the "savage beast."

Another hot, sweaty day today, and it looks like we'll be dealing with that for the next week or so as we head north.  All the conveyances have been prepped and checked.  Most of the hurricane shutters are down, the rest will get closed in the morning.  Washed the car; the motorhome will get its turn when we are settled in at Hart Ranch - it is gonna squish a lot of bugs between here and there.

Weather and tide checked.  Tide?  Yeah, this is the time of year that we have some lower than normal tides, which can make it dicey when towing a trailer across our bridge.  Our timing for departure in the morning looks good.  Weather along our route as far as San Antonio looks to be hot (103º for a high on Sunday), wind out of the southeast in the low to mid teens.  At least it won't be a headwind.

I am told there will be some cards and adoring on Sunday (Father's Day); it will be another travel day.  100º in Ft Worth on Sunday; upper 90s for our stop over on the TX/OK border.  Upper 80s when we get to South Dakota.  Ah, the good ol' summertime.  It will be cooler when we're riding our scoots in the upper elevations.

I think we're ready.



Earl49 said...

Safe travels! You have your good luck charm (Rufus) with you. He's a good boy, you know.

I spent last week in southern NV -- a relative passed away. Not much fun and 104° every day. The 11-hour drive each way through exciting Nevada was no fun either. But you have to help the family if you can.

The fiddle festival in Weiser starts on Monday and the campgrounds are already full of music and constant jams. I may get out there on Saturday with Alice, and the weather looks good. But having had enough road trip lately to last me for quite a while, even 75 miles each way may be a bit much. I'm really not up to camping there for the week like in past years.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - thanks for the good wishes and sorry to hear about the loss of your relative. Hope you get the opportunity for some music, listening and playing.

Rufus says, "Hi,"... because... he's a good boy.

Earl49 said...

Probably won't make it Weiser at all this year. Alice has an on-line low flutes convention going all weekend. 700 miles of solo driving each way thru the scenic central Nevada "National Strategic Sagebrush Reserve" makes me reluctant to even go the 75 miles to Weiser. I just want to hang out at home with Alice and the cats for a while.

On the trip down I had my first experience with Mormon crickets. The pavement was maroon with these grasshoppers. Fortunately they are near the ground and did not affect the windshield. It took three successive trips through the car wash early Wednesday morning to get *most* of them off. Yikes!

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

I've always thought they should make vehicle paint out of bug guts - that stuff really sticks! Enjoy your weekend!